Aames, Avery. To Brie or Not to Brie: A Cheese Shop Mystery
Aaron, Richard. The Gauntlet
Aaronovitch, David. Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History
Abbott, Victoria. The Christie Curse: A Book Collector Mystery
Abernathy, Kellye. The Aquamarine Surfboard
Achtenberg, Anya. Blue Earth: Reflections of America
Aciman, Alexander and Emmett Rensin. Twitterature
Adams, Clayton Marshall. The Mask
Adams, Ellery. Pies and Prejudice: A Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery
Adams, Gemini. The Facebook Diet: 50 Funny Signs of Facebook Addiction and Ways to Unplug with a Tech-Detox
Adams, J.A. Pillars of Salt
Adams, J.M. Second Term: A Novel
Adebanjo, Fatai Oladapo. 65 Sayings Inspired From My Night’s Dream
Adler, Ian E.S. The Last War: Book One of The Cynnahu Saga
Aerie, Catherine. The Dance of the Spirits
Ahlborn, Ania. Within These Walls
Akesson, Joyce. Love's Thrilling Dimensions
Al-Shamsi, Mohammed Ahmad S. Nations from Imitations to Innovations: The History of Innovation & Technology Development in Korea & Japan
Al-Shamsi, Mohammed Ahmad S. Innovation & Imitation For Nations: The Technological Gap Shock and Nations' Urge to Imitate and Copycat
Albanese, Mary. Midnight Sun Arctic Moon: Mapping the Wild Heart of Alaska
Albright, Ann. The October Gate: Nine Messages of Love, Healing, and Reassurance for Our Planet
Alden, Laura. Plotting at the PTA
Alexander, Cecil Frances. All Things Bright and Beautiful
Alexander, Jill. The Sweetheart of Prosper County
Alexander, Lyndi. The Elf Child: Clan Elves of the Bitterroot series, Book II
Alexander, Lyndi. The Elf Mage: Clan Elves of the Bitterroot series, Book III
Alexander, N.R. Go To Hell
Alexandra, Belinda. White Gardenia
Ali, Nujood. I Am Nujood: Age 10 and Divorced
Allbritten, Esri. Chihuahua of the Baskervilles
Allen, Bill. How to Slay a Dragon (Book I of The Journals of Myrth)
Allen, Kathleen. Cruise Crush
Allen, Kathy. When Did Columbus Arrive in the Americas?: And Other Questions About Columbus's Voyages
Allen, Lynne Leatham. The Tulip Resistance
Allen, Nancy Kelly. First Fire: A Cherokee Folktale
Allen, Sarah Addison. The Girl Who Chased the Moon
Allen, Susan and Jane Lindaman. Used Any Numbers Lately?
Allen, Susan and Jane Lindaman. Written Anything Good Lately?
Aller, Susan Bivin. What Difference Could A Waterway Make?: And Other Questions about the Erie Canal
Allnach, Roland. The Digital Now
Allnach, Roland. Prism
Allnach, Roland. Remnant: An Anthology
Alonso-Sierra, Maria Elena. The Fish Tank: And Other Short Stories
Alonso-Sierra, Maria Elena. Hanging Softly in the Night: A Detective Nick Larson Novel
Alonso-Sierra, Maria Elena. Rhapsody in Black: An Elena del Carral Mystery
Altman, Diana. In Theda Bara's Tent
Alvarado, Carlos. Never to Forget: The Promise of Love
Alvarez, A.A. v2036: A Tale of Sociopolitical Struggle in a Militarized Venezuela
Amato, Daniela. Finding Joy: A Dog's Tale
Ambrose, Marty. A Shadowed Fate (A Lord Byron Mystery)
Ambrose, Marty. Claire's Last Secret (A Lord Byron Mystery)
Amis, Joseph Scott. To Shine With Honor - Book One: Coming of Age
Anderson, B.J. Quicksilver: Everything is a Lie
Anderson, Byron. Quest for Light: Adventure of the Magi
Anderson, Chris. The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More
Anderson, Kevin David and Sam Stall. Night of the Living Trekkies
Anderson, Lisa Turner. No-Bake Gingerbread Houses for Kids
Anderson, Marla L. NanoMorphosis
Anderson, Melissa. The Way I See It: A Look Back at My Life on Little House
Anderson, Sharon D. What Should You Do With Your Life? Diana's Story
Anderson, Sheila. What Can Live in a Lake?
Anderson, Sheila. What Can Live in the Mountain?
Anderson, Sheila. What Can Live in the Ocean?
Anderson, Tanya. Tillie Pierce: Teen Eyewitness to the Battle of Gettysburg
Andrae, Dave J. The Friends of Allan Renner
Andrews, Mary Kay. Christmas Bliss
Andrews, Mary Kay. Ladies' Night
Andrews, V.C. Cloudburst
Andrews, V.C. Family Storms
Angela, Mary. An Act of Murder
Angeles, Patricia. Midpoint: A Memoir
Anne, Melody. Her Forever Hero (Unexpected Heroes)
Anniss, Matt and Lisa Regan. Being a DJ (On the Radar: Awesome Jobs)
Anouchi, Avraham. From Timna to Mars: Searching for Rare Earth Metals
Anouchi, Avraham. The Hidden Scroll: An Archeological Adventure
Anovitz, Ann. Charlie's Tale: The Great Questions of Life and Death
Apte, Sunita. Combat-Wounded Dogs (Dog Heroes)
A.R.C. The Call of Magic (The Fool's Journey Book 1)
Arceneaux, Kitty. Ruth Ready: While you’re waiting on your Boaz, you better be...
Archer, Connie. A Spoonful of Murder: A Soup Lover's Mystery
Archer, Jeffrey. The Sins of the Father: Book 2, The Clifton Chronicles
Ardinger, Barbara. Secret Lives
Arginteanu, Marc. Nephilim
Arlington, Lucy. Every Trick in the Book: A Novel Idea Mystery
Armintrout, Jennifer. Queene of Light
Armstrong, David. The Rising Place
Armstrong, Kelley. The Gathering: Darkness Rising, Book I
Armstrong, Kelley. Spell Bound: Otherworld, Book 12
Armstrong, Kelley. Thirteen: Women of the Otherworld
Armstrong, Kelley. Visions: A Cainsville Novel
Arnold, Marsha Diane. May I Come In?
Arnold, Caroline. A Moose's World
Arnold, Caroline. A Bald Eagle's World
Arnold, Caroline. A Polar Bear's World
Arnold, Caroline. A Walrus' World
Arnold, Jennifer. Through A Dog’s Eyes
Arnold, Laurie B. Hello There, Do You Still Know Me?
Arnold, Marsha Diane. Badger's Perfect Garden
Arnold, Marsha Diane. May I Come In?
Aronin, Miriam. How Many People Traveled the Oregon Trail?: And Other Questions About the Trail West
Aronson, Sarah. Believe
Arsenault, Emily. In Search of the Rose Notes
Asghar, Umbreen. Princess Zaara and the Enchanted Forest
Ashcroft, R.G. Fetch Me a Hangman
Ashley, Jennifer. Murder in the East End (A Below Stairs Mystery)
Ashwell, Ken. The Student's Anatomy of Exercise Manual: 50 Essential Exercises Including Weights, Stretches, and Cardio
Aspen, McKinley. Praesidium (Shadows in the Wind, Book One)
Aspen, McKinley. Cogitatio (Shadows in the Wind, Book Two)
Astor, Lucas and Alexandrea Weis. River of Ashes (St. Benedict Series)
Atherstone, Pam. Copper and His Rescue Friends
Atherton, Nancy. Aunt Dimity Goes West
Atkinson, Elizabeth. I, Emma Freke
Atkinson, Elizabeth. From Alice to Zen and Everyone in Between
Attwater, Nancie Wiseman. A Caregiver's Love Story and Reference Guide
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia. Poison Tree
Atwood, Megan. The Haunting of Apartment 101: The Paranormalists
Atwood, Megan. The Terror of Black Eagle Tavern: The Paranormalists
Atwood, Megan. Leaping at Shadows (The Dario Quincy Academy of Dance)
Atwood, Megan. Stolen Luck (The Dario Quincy Academy of Dance)
Auborn, Jodi. Matthias: The Ghost of Salvation Point
Auborn, Jodi. My Ten-Acre Wilderness: A Misfit Girl's Quest for Home
Auborn, Jodi. Stormwind of the North Country
Auborn, Jodi. The Lighthouse Back Home (Secrets of Salvation Point)
Auchter, J.B. Oliver the Oyster Saves Santa
Auchter, J.B. The Stolen Heart of the Cape Cod Bay
Audrain, Ashley. The Whispers
Austin, Catrise. 5 Steps to the Hollywood A-List Smile: How the Stars Get That Perfect Smile and How You Can Too!
Austin, Sean. Echo’s Revenge: The Ultimate Game (Book 1/Vol. 1)
Awad Mona. 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl
Axe-Bronk, Susan. The Vanishing Gourds: A Sukkot Mystery
Ayira, Ayura. Good Girls Die
Aylott, James. Tales of Whiskey Tango from Misery Towers
Azrieli, Avraham. Thump
B, Shoushan. Through the Soul Into Life
Baantjer, A.C. DeKok and the Mask of Death
Bach, Tia Silverthorne and Angela Beach Silverthorne. Depression Cookies
Bachus, K.A. Goat Rope (The Charlemagne Files)
Baer, Nadja. The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation
Bailey, Bryan. Embracing the Wild in Your Dog: An Understanding of the Authors of Your Dog's Behavior - Nature and the Wolf
Bailey, Nancy. Clifford of Drummond Island
Bailey, Peter. Rats in a Maze
Bailey, S. Thomas. Shades of Death: The Gauntlet Runner Book II
Baggott, Julianna. The Prince of Fenway Park
Baker, Ken. How I Got Skinny, Famous and Fell Madly in Love
Baker, Lacey. Just Like Heaven: A Sweetland Novel
Baker, Stephen. Donkey Show
Baker, Tiffany. The Gilly Salt Sisters
Baldwin, Chris. Stand on the Bench, Achilles
Baldwin, David, Philippa Gregory, and Michael Jones. The Women of the Cousins' War: The Duchess, the Queen, and the King's Mother
Baldwin, R.A. Tails of the Prairie: My Life as a Small-Town Veterinarian in Wyoming
Ball, Cliff. Don't Mess With Earth
Ballen, Karen Gunnison. Decoding Our DNA: Craig Venter Vs the Human Genome Project
Ballen, Karen Gunnison. Seven Wonders of Medicine
Ballis, Stacey. How to Change a Life
Ballis, Stacey. Wedding Girl
Balog, Cyn. Starstruck
Balog, Cyn. Touched
Balsley, Tilda. ABC Hanukkah Hunt
Balsley, Tilda and Ellen Fischer. The Count's Hanukkah Countdown: Shalom Sesame
Balsley, Tilda and Ellen Fischer. It's a Mitzvah Grover!
Balson, Ronald H. Karolina's Twins
Balter, Michael. The Vatican Deal: A Marty and Bo Thriller
Banks, Jeffrey. Patricia Underwood: The Way You Wear Your Hat
Banks, Melinda. Breaking Open: Free Love and Family Secrets from the Notebook of a Misfit Wife
Banks, Wesley. Hope In Every Raindrop
Bannan, Sarah. Weightless
Bannatyne, Lesley Pratt. Witches’ Night Before Halloween
Bantock, Nick. The Trickster’s Hat: A Mischievous Apprenticeship in Creativity
Barbeau, Adrienne. Love Bites (Vampyres of Hollywood)
Barcelo, Paul. The Sweet War Man: A Novel
Barclay de Tolly, Muriel. Puma Goes to The Cliff Walk
Barden, Cabot. It's the Bass Player!
Barden, Cabot. Mixed Blessings
Bardes, Cynthia. Pansy in Africa: The Mystery of the Missing Lion Cub (Pansy the Poodle Mystery Series)
Bardes, Cynthia. Pansy in Paris: A Mystery at the Museum (Pansy the Poodle Mystery Series)
Barefoot, Darren and Julie Szabo. Friends with Benefits: A Social Media Marketing Handbook
Bari, Ellen. Jumping Jenny
Barichella, Thomas. The Star Snatcher's Planet: The Little Prince
Barker, Emily Croy. The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic
Barlow, Melissa. Easy Christmas Cut-up Cakes for Kids
Barnes, Jennifer Lynn. Every Other Day
Barnett, Mac Guess Again!
Barnett, Mac Leo: A Ghost Story
Barnett-Martin, Terry. Tending Fences: Building Safe and Healthy Relationship Boundaries; The Parables of Avery Soul
Baron, Michael. Leaves
Baron, Michael. Spinning
Baron-Reid, Colette and P.C. Cast. Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards & Guidebook
Barr, Brady and Jennifer Keats Curtis. After A While Crocodile: Alexa’s Diary
Barr, Cyrilla. The Trophy Bride’s Tale
Barr, E.R. ROAN: The Tales of Conor Archer, Vol. 1
Barreca, Gina. If You Lean In, Will Men Just Look Down Your Blouse?
Barresi, Margarita. A Delicate Marriage
Barrett, Lorna. A Fatal Chapter: A Booktown Mystery
Barrett, Lorna. Book Clubbed: A Booktown Mystery
Barrett, Lorna. Chapter & Hearse: A Booktown Mystery
Barrett, Lorna. Bookplate Special: A Booktown Mystery
Barrett, Lorna. Murder on the Half Shelf: A Booktown Mystery
Barrett, Lorna. Sentenced to Death: A Booktown Mystery
Barrett, Lorna. Not the Killing Type: A Booktown Mystery
Barrick, Ella. Dead Man Waltzing: A Ballroom Dance Mystery
Barriman, Lydia. Manga Math Mysteries 8: The Runaway Puppy: A Mystery with Probability
Bartlett, Lorraine. A Crafty Killing
Bartlett, Lorraine. Recipes to Die For: A Victoria Square Cookbook
Bartlett, Lorraine. The Walled Flower
Bartlett, Lorraine. One Hot Murder: Victoria Square Mystery
Bartlett, Lorraine. Tales of Telenia: Threshold
Bartlett, Lorraine. With Baited Breath: The Lotus Bay Mysteries
Bartlett, L.L. Bound by Suggestion: The Jeff Resnick Mysteries
Bartlett, L.L. Cheated by Death: The Jeff Resnick Mysteries
Bartlett, L.L. Dark Waters: The Jeff Resnick Mysteries
Barto, Terry John. Gollywood, Here I Come!
Barto, Terry John. Nickerbacher: The Funniest Dragon
Barto, Terry John. Nickerbacher
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. Terrible Typhoid Mary: A True Story of the Deadliest Cook in America
Barton, Chris. Shark vs. Train
Barton, Fiona. The Widow
Barton, Fiona. The Child
Bastarache, Sherman P. Tilogos: Treatise on the Origins and Evolution of Language
Bastianich, Lidia. Nonna Tell Me a Story: Lidia’s Egg-citing Farm Adventure
Bastille, Charles. MagicLand: A Novel
Basto, Katherine Spada. Days to the Gallows: A Novel of the Hartford Witch Panic
Basto, Katherine Spada. Vestal Virgin: Chosen for Rome
Basye, Dale E. Fibble: The Fourth Circle of Heck
Batson, Wayne Thomas. Dreamtreaders
Battles, Matthew. Palimpsest: A History of the Written Word
Battut, Eric. The Fox and the Hen
Baty, Robert. Vintage Connor: The Blonde in the Lotus Elite
Bastarache, Sherman P. Moral Indignation: Embryonic Stem Cells, DNA, and Christians
Bayard, David. Haiku, Schmaiku For Headin’ Out to Sea: Poetry as Looking Glass, Poetry as Mirror
Bayard, David. Gathering the Self: Poems of the Heart
Beard, Patrica. A Certain Summer
Beardsall, Rebecca. The Unfurling Frond: A Memoir of Belonging and Becoming
Beauregard, Lynda. In Search of the Fog Zombie: A Mystery About Matter (Summer Camp Science Mysteries)
Beauregard, Lynda. The Nighttime Cabin Thief: A Mystery About Light (Summer Camp Science Mysteries)
Beauregard, Lynda. The Whispering Lake Ghosts: A Mystery About Sound
Beazley, Lisa. Keep Me Posted
Beber, Michelle. Angels, Angels, Everywhere
Beck, Steven Michael. Soar a Burning Sky: Echoes of EonThera, Book One
Bedford, Martyn. FLIP
Beck, George. Trounce
Beckwith, Christine and Wendy L. Wright. Breaking the Cycle: Hope Resilience Gratitude
Beeaff, Dianne Ebertt. Power's Garden
Beechey, Alan. This Private Plot: An Oliver Swithin Mystery
Behnke, Alison. Death of a Dreamer: The Assassination of John Lennon
Behnke, Alison. Does a Ten-Gallon Hat Really Hold Ten Gallons?: And Other Questions About Fashion
Behnke, Alison. France in Pictures (Visual Geography Series. Second Series)
Bell, David. Bring Her Home
Bell, James D. BeeBop: The Honeybee Wannabee Hero
Bell, James D. Vampire Defense
Bell, Marlene M. Mia and Nattie: One Great Team!
Bell, Pamela. Thoroughbreds (Majestic Horses)
Bell, Samantha. The Perfect Pet
Bellin, Joshua David. Survival Colony 9
Bellin, Joshua David. Freefall
Bello, Mark M. Betrayal of Faith (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 1)
Bello, Mark M. Betrayal of Justice (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 2)
Bello, Mark M. Betrayal in Blue (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 3)
Bello, Mark M. Betrayal in Black (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 4)
Bello, Mark M. Betrayal High (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 5)
Bello, Mark M. Supreme Betrayal (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 6)
Bello, Mark M. Betrayal at the Border (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 7)
Bello, Mark M. You Have The Right to Remain Silent (A Zachary Blake Legal Thriller, Book 8)
Benchley, T. Marie. Once Wicked Always Dead
Bender, Jo Ann. Casanova Cowboy: Where the Old West Lives on in the Rusty Springs Valley
Bender, Jo Ann. Lebensborn
Benford, Gregory. Wonderful Future That Never Was: Flying Cars, Mail Delivery by Parachute, and Other Predictions from the Past
Bennardo, Charlotte. Evolution Revolution: Simple Machines (Book 1)
Bennecke, J. Luke. Waterborne
Bennett, Cherie and Jeff Gottesfeld. Amen, L.A.
Bennett, Eric S. Noodles' & Albie's Mermaid Parade
Bennett, Eric S. Noodles and Albie On Thin Ice
Bennett, Jeffrey. Wizard Who Saved the World, The
Bennett, Karen. Beautiful Horseflesh
Bennett, Kelly. Your Mommy Was Just Like You
Bennett, Kelly. Vampire Baby
Benson, Raymond. The Black Stiletto: Black & White
Bentinck-Smith, Michael. It Wood Be Fun: Woodworking with Children
Bentley, Jennie. Wall-To-Wall Dead: A Do-It-Yourself Mystery
Bently, Peter. The Great Sheep Shenanigans
Benun, Joey. Pebbles and the Biggest Number
Berenstain, Mike. The Berenstain Bears' Easter Blessings Board Book
Berg, Donan. A Body to Bones
Berg, Donan. Aria's Bayou Child: A Thriller
Berg, Donan. The Bones Dance Foxtrot
Berg, Norman and Stanley Ginsberg. Inside the Jewish Bakery: Recipes and Memories from the Golden Age of Jewish Baking
Berger, Sande Boritz. The Sweetness
Bergstad, J. B. Screwing The Pooch
Berk, Steven L. In Search of the Animalcule
Berkes, Marianne. Animalogy: Animal Analogies
Berkes, Marianne. Anybody Home?
Berkes, Marianne. Daisylocks
Berkes, Marianne. The Tree That Bear Climbed
Berlin, Bill and Susan Isakoff Berlin. The Kvetch Who Stole Hanukkah
Berner, David W. A Well-Respected Man
Bernoudy, Jr.. Michael L. Ninjas & Vamps
Bernoudy, Jr., Michael L. Stained Glass Windows
Berry, Connie. The Art of Betrayal: A Kate Hamilton Mystery
Berry, Richard A. and Kraus, John M.Wizard of Windsor Island
Bersani, Shennen. Achoo! Why Pollen Counts
Bertocci, Adam. Two Gentlemen of Lebowski: A Most Excellent Comedie and Tragical Romance
Bertrand, Cara. Lost in Thought (The Sententia, Book 1)
Bestor, Sheri Mabry. Light the Sky, Firefly!
Bick, Ilsa J. Draw the Dark
Bickel, Tim. Chronicle of the Ones
Bieber, Ed. What Color is the Wind?
Biggs, Sharon and Moira C. Reeve. The Original Horse Bible: The Definitive Source for All Things Horse
Billetz-Reppert, Danielle. The Start of All Things Good: A Complete Guide to Building Your Business
Billingsley, Franny. Chime
Bilyeau, Nancy. The Crown
Binkley, Shelley S. DIY Baby!
Binns, Brigit. The Cook and the Butcher: Juicy Recipes for Everyday Beef, Pork, Lamb and Veal Dishes
Birdgenaw, Ann. Black Hole Radio
Birdgenaw, Ann. Black Hole Radio: Bilaluna
Birdgenaw, Ann. Black Hole Radio: Ka'Azula
Birdgenaw, Terry. Antunites Unite (The Antunite Chronicles Book 3)
Birkenhead, Peter. Gonville: A Memoir
Birtcher, Baron. Knife River
Bishop, Claudia. A Fete Worse Than Death: A Hemlock Falls Mystery
Bishop, Conrad and Elizabeth Fuller. Blind Walls
Bishop, Conrad and Elizabeth Fuller. Galahad's Fool
Bisogno, Tom. Siena My Love
Bissenger, H.G. Friday Night Lights
Bissonette, Aimee. Headstrong Hallie!: The story of Hallie Morse Daggett, the First Female Fire Guard
Bissonnette, Zac. The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute
Black, Asher and Barry Gilman. The Guitar Decoder Ring: Featuring SIGIL - the New Language of Guitar
Black, Benjamin. Even the Dead: A Quirke Novel
Black, Holly and Ellen Kushner. Welcome to Bordertown (New Stories & Poems of the Borderlands)
Black, Joe. Afikomen Mambo
Blackaby, Susan. Where's My Cow?
Blackwell, Juliet. In a Witch's Wardrobe: A Witchcraft Mystery
Blackwell, Juliet. Letters from Paris
Blair, Annette. Cloaked in Malice: A Vintage Magic Mystery
Blake, Daniel. City of the Dead
Blake, Heather. A Witch Before Dying: A Wishcraft Mystery
Blake, S. Prestley. A Friendly Life
Blevins, Wiley. The Not-So-Right Day (Basic Concepts)
Bloom, Billy. Walter and the Wallet
Bloor, Edward. A Plague Year
Blue, Parker. Fang Me (A Demon Underground Novel)
Bluemle, Elizabeth. Dogs on the Bed
Bly, Scott. Smasher
Boehlke, Steve. 50 Lessons on Leading for Those with Little Time for Reading
Boeholt, V.A. The Ship Captain’s Tale: A Counting Adventure
Bogard, Cynthia J. A History of Silence (The Heartland Trilogy, Book One)
Bogard, Cynthia J. Beach of the Dead (The Heartland Trilogy, Book Two)
Bogard, Cynthia J. Raising Hel
Boglioli, David. New York City Bum
Bolin, Janet. Threaded for Trouble: A Threadville Mystery
Bommersbach, Jana. Cattle Kate
Boothroyd, Jennifer. Eye Color: Brown, Blue, Green, and Other Hues: What Traits Are in Your Genes?
Boothroyd, Jennifer. The Energy That Warms Us: A Look at Heat
Boothroyd, Jennifer. The Energy We See: A Look at Light
Boothroyd, Jennifer. Give it a Push! Give it a Pull!: A Look at Forces
Boothroyd, Jennifer. What Holds Us to Earth?: A Look at Gravity
Boothroyd, Jennifer. Why Do Moving Objects Slow Down?: A Look at Friction
Borden, Jack. The Ants of Fire
Borden, Jack. The Vultures of Doom
Boreas, George. The Woke Iliad
Borg, Todd. Tahoe Trap: An Owen Mckenna Mystery Thriller
Bortz, Fred. Seven Wonders of Exploration Technology
Bortz, Fred. Seven Wonders of Space Technology
Bosker, Bianca. Cork Dork: A Wine-Fueled Adventure Among the Obsessive Sommeliers, Big Bottle Hunters, and Rogue Scientists Who Taught Me to Live for Taste
Boucher, Kathleen. Nine Ways to Empower Tweens
Boucher, Kathleen. A Simple Idea to Empower Kids: Based on the Power of Love, Choice, and Belief
Bowen, Rhys. The Twelve Clues of Christmas: A Royal Spyness Mystery
Bowers, Renata. Good Dogs, Great Listeners: The Story of Charlotte, Lily and the Litter
Bowers, Richard. The Keeper’s Gift (or Uley’s Journal)
Box, Dorian. The Hiding Girl (Emily Calby Series Book 1)
Box, Dorian. The Girl in Cell 49B (Emily Calby Series Book 2)
Box, Dorian. Target: The Girl (Emily Calby Series Book 3)
Boyd, Scott. Make Money Online: Write and Sell EBooks Guide: A Work from Home Internet Business Writing, Selling EBooks Online
Boyden, Linda. Giveaways: An ABC Book of Loanwords from the Americas
Boyle, Keri Clairborne. Otis P. Oliver Protests
Boyle, Keri Clairborne. The Black Hole Debacle
Bozi, Rita. When I Was Better
Bracewell, Patricia. The Price of Blood: The Emma of Normandy Trilogy Book 2
Brackob, Dana. Molly: A Love Story
Bradford, Laura. Assaulted Pretzel: An Amish Mystery
Bradford, Laura. Hearse and Buggy: An Amish Mystery
Bradley, Carol. Saving Gracie: How One Dog Escaped the Shadowy World of American Puppy Mills
Brady, Eileen. Muzzled: A Kate Turner, DVM, Mystery
Brady, Eileen. Unleashed: A Kate Turner, DVM Mystery
Brady, Jacklyn. Arsenic and Old Cake: A Piece of Cake Mystery
Brady, Marcus. Dark, Love, and Light
Braeuner, Shellie. The Great Dog Wash
Braithwaite, Jill. The Statue of Liberty
Brako, Daniel. Cubeology: Are You Brave Enough To Play?
Bramhall, Stuart Jeanne. The Battle For Tomorrow
Branard, Lynne. The Art of Arranging Flowers
Branard, Lynne. Traveling Light
Brandl, Thorsten. The Palladium
Brandon, Ali. A Novel Way to Die: A Black Cat Bookshop Mystery
Brandon, Holly. Life in the Chastity Zone (Chastity Series, Book 1)
Brandon, Holly. Nothing’s As It Seems (Chastity Series, Book 2)
Brandon, Holly. Never Lost (Chastity Series, Book 3)
Brandt, William F. Compass: Creating Exceptional Organizations: A Leader’s Guide
Brasch, Walter. Sinking the Ship of State: The Presidency of George W. Bush
Bray, Libba. A Great and Terrible Beauty
Bray, Ricky. Rendezvous Rock
Braz, Jim and Jessica. Baby Out of Wedlock: Co-Parenting Basics From Pregnancy to Custody
Breathnach, Sarah Ban. Peace and Plenty: Finding your Path to Financial Serenity
Breathnach, Sarah Ban. The Best Part of the Day
Brecke, Nicole and Patricia M. Stockland. Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures You Can Draw (Ready, Set, Draw!)
Brecke, Nicole and Patricia M. Stockland. Spaceships, Aliens, and Robots You Can Draw (Ready, Set, Draw!)
Brecon, Connah. Frank!
Brennan, Sarah Rees. Unspoken: The Lynburn Legacy, Book One
Brennan-Nelson, Denise. Santa's Secret
Brett, Cathy. Scarlett Dedd
Brett, Jan. Cinders: A Chicken Cinderella
Brett, Simon. Blotto, Twinks, and the Ex-King's Daughter
Brett, Simon. Blotto, Twinks, and the Dead Dowager Duchess
Brewer, Sonny. Cormac: The Tale of a Dog Gone Missing
Brezenoff, Steve. Brooklyn, Burning
Bricker, Sandra D. From Bags to Riches: A Jessie Stanton Novel
Bridges, Glenn Dale. The Peacock Angel: Rise of the Decarchs
Bridges, Mickey. It's About Time
Bridges, Robin. The Unfailing Light: The Katerina Trilogy Vol. II
Bridges, Todd. Killing Willis: From Diff'rent Strokes to the Mean Streets to the Life I Always Wanted
Brill, Leigh. A Dog Named Slugger: The True Story of the Service Dog That Changed My Life
Brill, Marlene Targ. Annie Shapiro and the Clothing Workers' Strike (History Speaks)
Brill, Marlene Targ. Tourette Syndrome (USA Today Health Reports: Diseases and Disorders)
Brink, Bob. Breaking Out
Britton, Felicity. The Glee Cast: Inspiring Gleek Mania
Brocket, Jane. Spiky, Slimy, Smooth: What is Texture
Brockett, Keith. The Nutcracker's Night Before Christmas
Brockovich, Erin, and C.J. Lyons. Hot Water
Brockovich, Erin, and C.J. Lyons. Rock Bottom
Brokamp, Elizabeth. The Picky Little Witch
Bronco, Michael. Man School: Lessons on Love, Power, Honor and Purpose
Bronzy, Daniela. Roots, Rumors & Wrath
Brophy, Eddie. Nothing to Get Nostalgic About
Brosius, Shriley. Sisterhood Of Faith: 365 Life-Changing Stories About Women Who Made A Difference
Brown, Alyson. The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers, with a Twist
Brown, Anne Greenwood. Lies Beneath
Brown, Craig McFarland. Mule Train Mail
Brown, James and Diana M. Raab. Writers on the Edge: 22 Writers Speak About Addiction and Dependency
Brown, Kate Lord. The House of Dreams
Brown, Mary Calhoun. Pride & Prejudice With a Side of Grits
Brown, Mary Calhoun.There Are No Words
Brown, Michael A. What I Tell Myself FIRST: Children's Real-World Affirmations of Self Esteem
Brown, Peter. The Curious Garden
Brown, Petra. When the Wind Blew
Brown, Ruth. Gracie the Lighthouse Cat
Brown, Teri M. An Enemy Like Me
Brown, Teri M. Daughters of Green Mountain Gap
Brown, Teri M. Sunflowers Beneath the Snow
Browne, S.G. I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus: A Breathers Christmas Carol
Brownley, Margaret. Calico Spy: Undercover Ladies series
Brownley, Margaret. Undercover Bride: Undercover Ladies series
Broxson, Terry; Hill, Lee Allen; Kenel-Truelove, Diane; Mullen-Martin, Ann; and Squires, Jay. 12 New Christmas Stories
Broxson, Terry. Santa Claus: The Beginning
Bruning, John R. Bombs Away! The World War II Bombing Campaigns over Europe
Bruns, Don. Bahama Burnout
Bruns, Don.Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
Brunstetter, Wanda. Amish Friends Farmhouse Favorites Cookbook
Brunstetter, Wanda. Amish Cooking Class: The Seekers
Brunstetter, Wanda. Amish Cooking Class: The Blessing
Brunstetter, Wanda. The Beloved Christmas Quilt: Three Stories of Family, Romance, and Amish Faith
Brunstetter, Wanda. The Brides of the Big Valley
Brunstetter, Wanda. The Forgiving Jar (The Prayer Jars)
Brunstetter, Wanda. The Mockingbird’s Song (Amish Greenhouse Mysteries, Book 2)
Bryan, Ashley. By Trolley Past Thimbledon Bridge
Bryant, Bill. The Armadillo Book
Bryant, Geoff. Annuals and Perennials: A Gardener's Encyclopedia
Bryce, A.K. The Eye of the Moon: Tenebria, Book 1
Bryce, A.K. Wyvern's Plague: From the Annals of Dorohin
Bucchianeri, E.A. Faust: My Soul Be Damned for the World, Vol. 1
Bucchianeri, E.A. Faust: My Soul Be Damned for the World, Vol. 2
Buchanan, Brenda. Quick Pivot: A Joe Gale Mystery
Buchheit, Paul. Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey
Buchheit, Paul. Sonnets of Love and Joy
Bude, John. The Sussex Downs Murder: A British Library Crime Classic
Bullard, Lisa. Chelsea's Chinese New Year
Bullard, Lisa. Caleb's Hanukkah
Bullard, Lisa. Sarah's Passover
Bullard, Lisa. Rashad's Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr
Bullard, Lisa. Daniela's Day of the Dead
Bunting, Eve. Frog and Friends: Frog Saves the Day
Bunting, Eve. Frog and Friends: Frog's Lucky Day
Bunting, Eve. Hello, Baby! I'm Your Mom
Bunting, Eve. Mr. Goat's Valentine
Bunting, Eve. P is for Pirate: A Pirate Alphabet
Burbach, Cherie. 21 Simple Things You Can Do to Help Someone with Diabetes
Burbach, Cherie. Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering a Pizza
Burbach, Cherie. New and Selected Poems
Burch, Heather. Guardian: A Halflings Novel
Burdette, Lucy. Death in Four Courses: A Key West Food Critic Mystery
Burdette, Lucy. Murder with Ganache: A Key West Food Critic Mystery
Burdette, Lucy. Fatal Reservations: A Key West Food Critic Mystery
Burell, Sarah. Diamond Jim Dandy and the Sheriff
Burgoyne, Beckey. Perfectly Amanda, Gunsmoke's Miss Kitty: To Dodge and Beyond
Burlingame, Lloyd. Sets, Lights, & Lunacy: A Stage Designer's Adventures on Broadway and in Opera
Burkett, Jonathan Anthony. Friends 2 Lovers
Burmeister, Ellie. How to Get a Literary Agent, In Two Murders or Less
Burns, Jan. Ghost Boy
Burnside, Anne. The Sultan's Favorite
Burrell, Carol M. Scavella. Did Greek Soldiers Really Hide Inside the Trojan Horse? And Other Questions About the Ancient World
Burris-Kitchen, Deborah Jean. Exposed
Burton, Benjamin J. I See You: When the Sins of the Past Don’t Stay Buried!
Burton, Meredith Leigh. Song of the Sea
Burton, Thomas. Bluey and Dingo's Outback Adventure
Burton, Tim. The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories
Busby, Sian. A Commonplace Killing
Butcher, Tammi. My Bonus Mom: Taking the Step Out of Stepmom
Butler, Jeffrey. Torment
Buzot, Güngör. I Was Dying...Then I Changed My Mind
Byatt, A.S. The Children’s Book
Byerrum, Ellen. Veiled Revenge: A Crime of Fashion Mystery
Byers, Steven. Son of the Doomsday Prophet
Cabot, Meg. Abandon
Cabot, Meg. Size 12 and Ready to Rock: A Heather Wells Mystery
Cach, Lisa. Great-Aunt Sophia's Lessons for Bombshells
Cahill, Susan. The Streets of Paris: A Guide to the City of Light Following in the Footsteps of Famous Parisians Throughout History
Cain, Patrick. Moto X Best Trick: Extreme Summer Sports Zone
Cain, Patrick. Bmx Street: Extreme Summer Sports Zone
Calcagno, Anne. Love Like a Dog
Cales, Dave. The Deep Dive
Callaway, Robert. Becoming Forever Families
Calmenson, Stephanie. Oopsy, Teacher
Cambridge International Reference on Current Affairs. Snapshot: The Visual Almanac for Our World Today
Cameron, Eileen. Rupert’s Parchment: Story of Magna Carta
Cameron, W. Bruce. A Dog's Journey
Cameron, W. Bruce. A Dog's Purpose: A Novel for Humans
Campbell, James. The Color of War: How One Battle Broke Japan and Another Changed America
Cann, Kate. Possessed
Cannon, Sherrill S. A Dime is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss
Cannon, Sherrill S. A Penny for Your Thoughts
Cannon, Sherrill S. David's ADHD
Cannon, Sherrill S. Manner-Man
Cannon, Sherrill S. Mice & Spiders & Webs...Oh My!
Cannon, Sherrill S. My Fingerpaint Masterpiece
Cannon, Sherrill S. My Fingerpaint Masterpiece Coloring Book
Cannon, Sherrill S. My Little Angel
Cannon, Sherrill S. My Little Angel Coloring Book
Cannon, Sherrill S. Peter and the Whimper-Whineys Coloring Book
Cannon, Sherrill S. The Golden Rule
Cannon, Sherrill S. The Golden Rule Coloring Book
Cantor, Jillian.Margot
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin. Biscuit's Valentine's Day
Carabine, Sue. A Teacher’s Night Before Christmas
Card, Orson Scott. A Town Divided by Christmas
Cardillo, Edward P. The Odd Tales of an Old Man
Carhart, Thad. Finding Fontainebleau: An American Boy in France
Cariou, Heather Summerhayes. Sixtyfive Roses: A Sister's Memoir
Carlisle, Kate. The Book Stops Here: A Bibliophile Mystery
Carlisle, Kate. Peril in Paperback: A Bibliophile Mystery
Carlson, Aylse. The Azalea Assault: A Garden Society Mystery
Carlson, Melody. Glamour: On the Runway Series
Caroll, Robin. Dead Silence
Carpenter, Jackie. The Bridge
Carpenter, John R. Wall, Watchtower, and Pencil Stub: Writing During World War II
Carpenter, Tom. Small Game Hunting: Rabbit, Raccoon, Squirrel, Opossum, and More
Carpenter, Tom. Freshwater Fishing: Bass, Trout, Walleye, Catfish, and More
Carroll, Christina M. The Things I Love
Carroll, Grace. Died with a Bow: An Accessories Mystery
Carroll, Linda and David Rosner. Duel for the Crown: Affirmed, Alydar, and Racing's Greatest Rivalry
Carroll, Yvonne. Irish Legends for Children
Carson, Mary Kay. The River That Wolves Moved: A True Tale From Yellowstone
Carter, Andrea. Death at Whitewater Church (An Inishowen Mystery)
Carter, Andrea. Treacherous Strand (An Inishowen Mystery)
Carter, Nocita. Dating Tips For You
Carter, Vlane. The Bialien Trilogy: An Alien of Two Worlds (Vol: 1: Rise of the Bialiensapien: Human Evolved)
Caruthers, Terry Lee. Vivie's Secret
Cascone, Gina and Bryony Williams Sheppard. Unicorn Yoga
Casey, Donis. Hell With the Lid Blown Off: An Alafair Tucker Mystery
Casey, Elizabeth Lynn. Let It Sew: Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries
Casey, Julie L. Time Lost: Teenage Survivalist II (Volume 2)
Cassidy, Mike. The Skinny on Bullying: The Legend of Gretchen
Cast, P.C. and Colette Baron-Reid. Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards & Guidebook
Casteel, Rick. The Entrepreneur
Casteel, Seth. Underwater Dogs
Castillo, Linda. Breaking Silence
Castle, Don. Pecan Gap: A Jake Somers Mystery
Castle, N.E. Loogie the Booger Genie: Prince of Prank (Volume 1)
Castle, N.E. Loogie the Booger Genie: A Very Nasty Cold (Volume 2)
Century, Douglas and Ice-T. Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption – from South Central to Hollywood
Cech, John. Puss in Boots
Chall, Marsha Wilson. A Secret Keeps
Chamberlain, Diane. Necessary Lies
Chambers, Emily and Whitney Lindsley. The Cheese Lover's Cookbook
Chambers, Jessica. Dark is the Sky
Champion, Inner. The Mental Resilience Method for Young Athletes: 5 Science-Based Mindset Training Strategies to Gain Confidence, Improve Focus and Win Your Next Game
Champlin, Tim. Wild West of Louis L'Amour: An Illustrated Companion to the Frontier Fiction of an American Icon
Chapman, Brenda. Butterfly Kills: A Stonechild and Rouleau Mystery
Chapman, Kevin G. Double Takedown
Chapman, Kevin G. The Other Murder
Chapman, Gary and Rick Osborne. A Perfect Pet for Peyton: A 5 Love Languages Discovery Book
Charbit, Annabelle R. A Life Lived Ridiculously
Charbonneau, Joelle. Murder for Choir: A Glee Club Mystery
Charish, Kristi. Owl and the City of Angels (The Owl Series Book 2)
Charish, Kristi. Owl and the Electric Samurai (The Owl Series Book 3)
Charleson, Susannah. Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog
Chatel, Kim. Horse Camp
Chattman, Jon, Allie Tarantino and Rich Tarantino. I Love the Red Sox/I Hate the Yankees
Chen, June. Seeing the Light
Cheverton, Mark. Cameron and the Shadow-wraiths: A Battle of Anxiety vs. Trust (The Order of the Stones Book 2)
Chiaverini, Jennifer. Traditions from Elm Creek Quilts: 13 Quilts Projects to Piece and Applique
Chin, Oliver. The Year of the Monkey: Tales from the Chinese Zodiac
Chorneau, Tom. Victim Eleven
Christ, Jesus. I Am God
Christie, John. The Prince of Wentworth Street
Christie, Tatiana. Penny the Horse...Of Course!
Christner, Dianne. Covered Bridge Charm
Churchill, Ginger. Wild Rose's Weaving
Chute, Phillip B. Rock and Roll Murders: An Entrepreneur Finds That Murder is No Business Solution (Based on a True Story)
Chute, Phillip B. Stocks, Bonds & Taxes: A Comprehensive Handbook and Investment Guide for Everybody
Chute, Phillip B. The Metric Clock
Chute, Phillip B. The Silver Thread of Life: True Accounts of Spiritual Interventions
Ciholas, Karin. The Bronze Door
Ciholas, Karin. The Lighthouse
Cioffi, Karen. Walking Through Walls
Clark, Janice E. Roland Faissett and The Wizards of Wee Ville
Clark, Janice E. Roscoe IS A RAKster: You Can Be One Too
Clark, M.H. ABC Menagerie
Clarke, Richard A. Sting of the Drone
Clairborne, Michael. A Christian’s Guide to Overcoming Sexual Struggle
Cleary, Brian. A-B-A-B-A– A Book of Pattern Play
Cleary, Brian. A Fraction's Goal--Parts of a Whole (Math Is CATegorical)
Cleary, Brian. Apples, Cherries, Red Raspberries: What Is in the Fruits Group?
Cleary, Brian. But and For, Yet and Nor: What is a Conjunction?
Cleary, Brian. Feet and Puppies, Thieves and Guppies: What Are Irregular Plurals?
Cleary, Brian. I’m and Won’t, They’re and Don’t: What’s a Contraction? (Words are CATegorical)
Cleary, Brian. Lazily, Crazily, Just a Bit Nasally: More about Adverbs
Cleary, Brian. Miss Pell Would Never Misspell and Other Painless Tricks for Memorizing How to Spell and Use Wily Words
Cleary, Brian. Oils (Just a Bit) to Keep Your Body Fit: What Are Oils?
Cleary, Brian. Punctuation Station
Cleary, Brian. Thumbtacks, Earwax, Lipstick, Dipstick: What Is a Compound Word? (Words Are CATegorical)
Cleary, Brian. Washing Adam's Jeans and Other Painless Tricks for Memorizing Social Studies Facts
Cleary, Brian. Yogurt and Cheeses and Ice Cream that Pleases: What is in the Milk Group?
Clemens, Judy. Leave Tomorrow Behind: A Stella Crown Mystery
Clement-Moore, Rosemary. Texas Gothic
Clifford, Regina. See the Good/God in Everything
Clinchandhill, Burt. Aldaraia (The Matthew Bishop Series - Book One)
Cline, Ernest. Ready Player One
Clinen, P.S. Tenebrae Manor
Cobb, May. The Hunting Wives
Coble, Colleen. Lonestar Homecoming
Cochran, Peg. Allergic to Death: A Gourmet De-lite Mystery
Cochran, Sherry. Missing Pieces: A Woman's Search for Her Birth Family
Coe, E.A. Survive the Day: A Butnari and Hill Crime Thriller
Coel, Margaret. The Spider’s Web (A Wind River Reservation Mystery)
Coh, Smiljana. Princesses on the Run
Cohen, Alan. Easy in Harness: A Productive Approach to Hiring a Good Manager
Cohen, Alice Eve. What I Thought I Knew
Cohen, Deborah Bodin. Engineer Ari and the Hanukkah Mishap
Cohen, Deborah Bodin. Engineer Ari and the Sukkah Express
Cohen, Ellen Melissa. Ben and Blue: Searching for Lucky #3002
Cohen, Shari. Alfie's Bark Mitzvah
Cohen, Tamar. The Mistress's Revenge
Cohen, Theodore Jerome. Death By Wall Street: Rampage of the Bulls
Cohen, Theodore Jerome. End Game: Irrational Acts, Tragic Consequences
Cohen, Theodore Jerome. Frozen in Time: Murder at the Bottom of the World
Cohen, Theodore Jerome. Unfinished Business: Pursuit of an Antarctic Killer
Cohen, Theodore Jerome. Pepe Builds a Nest
Cohen, Theodore Jerome. Rufus Finds a Home
Cohen, Theodore Jerome and Geiger, Pamela. Our Mother Can Turn into a Dragon And Speak in Tongues
Cohn, Scotti. Big Cat, Little Kitty
Cohn, Scotti. On the Move: Mass Migrations
Cohon, Rhody and Stacia Deutsch. Hot Pursuit: Murder in Mississippi
Cole, Carol A. The Penguin Lady
Cole, Michael F. The Zodiac Revisited, Volume 1: The Facts of the Case
Cole, Sebastian. Sand Dollar: A Story of Undying Love
Colella, Judy. Overcomer - The Journey (Book I of The MacDara Chronicles)
Coleman, Wim and Pat Perrin. Anna's World
Collen, JF. Flirtation on the Hudson (Journey of Cornelia Rose, Book 1)
Collen, JF. Walk Away West (Journey of Cornelia Rose, Book 2)
Collen, JF. Pioneer Passage (Journey of Cornelia Rose, Book 3)
Collie, Brenda Faye. Almost A Senior
Collie, Brenda Faye. College Freshman 101
Collier, David A. Earth's Ecocide: Extinction 3147
Collins, Kate. Florist Grump: A Flower Shop Mystery
Collins, Kate. Nightshade on Elm Street: A Flower Shop Mystery
Collins, Kate. Seed No Evil: A Flower Shop Mystery
Collins, Kate. Throw in the Trowel: A Flower Shop Mystery
Collins, Tess. Helen of Troy
Collins, Tracy Brown. Babe Ruth (Baseball Superstars)
Coleman, Lola. Ms. Goshsquash
Colvin, Adele. The Donkey of Tarsus: His Tales About the Apostle Paul
Colvin, Adele. The Donkey's Easter Tale
Combs, Alice. The Lady with Balls: A Single Mother's Triumphant Battle in a Man's World
Conger, Dan. A Walk Through the Wilderness: One Man's Journey from Faith to Fundamentalism to Atheism
Conlon, Dorothy. At Home in the World: Memoirs of a Traveling Woman
Connelly, Valerie. The Art of Grandparenting: Loving, Spoiling, Teaching and Playing with Your Grandkids
Connolly, Sheila. Buried in a Bog: A County Cork Mystery
Connolly, Sheila. Monument to the Dead: A Museum Mystery
Connolly, Sheila. Sour Apples: An Orchard Mystery
Constant, Robert E. Hey Tuskegee!
Conte, K.T. Awoke: The Unseen War Series
Contoski, Edmund. The Impending Monetary Revolution, The Dollar and Gold
Coodley, Gregg. American Salvation: How Immigrants Made America Great
Coodley, Gregg. Patients in Peril: The Demise of Primary Care in America
Coodley, Gregg and David Sarasohn. Taming Infection: The American Response to Illness from Smallpox to Covid
Cook, Claire. Time Flies
Cook, David. Unforgettable
Cook, RJ. The Road Behind Me: The Lie of Hannah
Cook, Thomas H. The Quest for Anna Klein
Cook, S. Marriott. A Home for Abigail: Everyone Needs a Forever Home
Cooke, Elizabeth. Rutherford Park: A Novel of Rutherford Park
Cooke, Elizabeth. The Wild Dark Flowers: A Novel of Rutherford Park
Cooke, Elizabeth. The Gates of Rutherford: A Novel of Rutherford Park
Cooker, John. Cure Your Democracy: The Infection, Spread and Treatment of Contagious Opinions
Cooney, Caroline B. The Lost Songs
Cooper, Eleanor McCallie. Dragonfly Dreams
Cooper, Michelle. The FitzOsbornes at War: The Montmaray Journals, Book Three
Cooperman, E.J. Chance of a Ghost: A Haunted Guesthouse Mystery
Cooperman, E.J. Dog Dish of Doom: An Agent to the Paws Mystery
Cope, Andrew. Raccoon Rampage (Awesome Animals)
Copeland, Chnristine. Summer in the Forest: Seasons in the Forest
Cornwall, Emma. Incarnation
Corwin, Jeff. 100 Heartbeats
Corwin, Miles. Kind of Blue
Cosson, M.J. and Murray Shaw. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Blue Gem (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Cosson, M.J. and Murray Shaw. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Speckled Band (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Cosson, M.J. and Murray Shaw. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Sussex Vampire (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Cosson, M.J. and Murray Shaw. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure at the Copper Beeches (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Costa, Shelley. You Cannoli Die Once
Cotter, Stacey. Harris Estate: The Aftermath
Cottrell, Steve. Haunted Ozark Battlefields: Civil War Ghost Stories and Brief Battle Histories by Steve Cottrell
Coudert, Jo.The Dog Who Healed A Family: And Other True Animal Stories That Warm the Heart and Touch the Soul
Count, Susan. Mary's Song: Dream Horse Adventures
Count, Susan. Selah’s Sweet Dream
Courtney, Mary Ellen. Wild Nights
Covert, Ralph and G. Riley Mills. A Nutty Nutcracker Christmas
Cowan, Jay. Hunter S. Thompson: An Insider’s View of Deranged, Depraved, Drugged Out Brilliance
Cowell, Stephanie. Claude & Camille: A Novel of Monet
Cox, Tom. The Good, the Bad, and the Furry: Life with the World's Most Melancholy Cat
Cox, Tom. Close Encounters of the Furred Kind: New Adventures with My Sad Cat & Other Feline Friends
Coy, John. Game Changer: John Mclendon and the Secret Game
Coyle, Carmela Lavigna. Wild Zoo Train
Cozzens, Candace. Emilia and Evelyn's Squizit Visit
Craig, Elizabeth. Knot What it Seams: A Southern Quilting Mystery
Craig, Elizabeth. Quilt or Innocence: A Southern Quilting Mystery
Cramer-Kelly, Tracey. Last Chance Rescue: A Story of Rescue and Romance in the Rocky Mountains
Crampton, Luke. Lennon (Movie Icons Series)
Crandall, Susan. Whistling Past the Graveyard
Crandell, Bethany. Summer on the Short Bus
Cratsley, Andrew D. Keepers of Runes and the Tower of Shadows (Volume 1)
Crawford, Ann. Angels on Overtime: A Divine Romantic Comedy
Crawford, Ann. Fresh off the Starship
Crawford, Ann. Life in the Hollywood Lane
Crawford, Ann. Spellweaver: A Historical Fantasy Novel
Crawford, Arlo. A Farm Dies Once a Year: A Memoir
Crawford, Muriel L. Smoking: 201 Reasons to Quit
Crawford, Joyce. The Warehouse
Cremer, Andrea. Rift: A Nightshade Novel
Cremer, Andrea. Nightshade: Nightshade, Book I
Cremer, Andrea. Wolfsbane: Nightshade, Book II
Crichton, Michael. Pirate Latitudes
Critchton, L.D. The Enchantment of Emma Fletcher
Crimi, Carolyn. Principal Fred Won't Go to Bed
Crittenden, Charles. Inhabitant
Crocker, Gareth. Finding Jack
Cronin, Doreen. Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type
Cronin, Doreen. The Trouble with Chickens: A J.J. Tully Mystery
Crosby, Ellen. The Sauvignon Secret: A Wine Country Mystery
Crosby, Molly Caldwell. Asleep: The Forgotten Epidemic that Remains One of Medicine's Greatest Mysteries
Crossland, R.L. The Abalone Ukulele: A Tale of Far Eastern Intrigue
Culbertson, Geanna. Crisanta Knight: To Death & Back (The Crisanta Knight Series Book 5)
Culbertson, Geanna. Crisanta Knight: Into the Gray (The Crisanta Knight Series Book 7)
Cullen, Jack. Lock's Galactic Mess (Lock Ferguson vs. the Aliens, Book One)
Cunningham, Elizabeth. Red-Robed Priestess: a novel (Fourth volume of the Maeve Chronicles)
Cunningham, Steven. Dinosaur Name Poems
Curcio, Sharon. Asayi: An Autistic Teen's Journey to Topple a Shogun in Medieval Japan
Currie, Robin. Tuktuk: Tundra Tale
Curry, I.D.G. Shogun Of The Heavens: The Fall Of Immortals, Book One
Curtis, Jennifer. After A While Crocodile: Alexa’s Diary
Curtis, Jennifer. Animal Helpers: Aquariums
Curtis, Jennifer. Animal Helpers: Sanctuaries
Curtis, Jennifer. Animal Helpers: Wildlife Rehabilitators
Curtis, Jennifer. Animal Helpers: Zoos
Curtis, Jennifer. Kali's Story: An Orphaned Polar Bear Rescue
Curtis, Jennifer. Primate School
Curto Family and Rusty Fischer. One Little Christmas Tree
Cutter, Nick. The Troop
Cycholl, Garin. Rx: A Novel
Cyrus, Bainy B. All Eyes: A Memoir of Deafness
Cyrus, Bainy B. Tea and Toil at the Woman's Club
Cyrus, Kurt. Be A Good Dragon
Cyrus, Kurt. Saguaro's Gifts
Czimbor, Alexandru. The Soul Machines
D'Amato, Robin. Don't Poke the Bear
D'Ecclesis, Nora. The Contessa's Legacy
D'Ecclesis, Nora. Zen Rohatsu
Dadich, Michael. The Silver Sphere: Book I of The Kin Chronicles
Daheim, Mary. All the Pretty Hearses: A Bed-and-Breakfast Mystery
Dahlgren, John. The Tides of Avarice: A Sagaria Legend
Dahlseng, Lesley. My Kiss Won't Miss
Dalal, Krishna. Sardoodledom
Daley, Gail. Spell of the Magi
Dallas, Sandra. The Last Midwife
Dallas, Sandra. Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky
Dallas, Sandra. Someplace to Call Home
Dallas, Sandra. The Patchwork Bride
Dallas, Sandra. Westering Women
Daemicke, Songju Ma. Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant
Danchik, Roger. Viila and the Doomsday Affair
Dane, Michael. HomoAmerican: The Secret Society
Danielis, Rosemary. Iris and the Dragonflies
Daniels, Georgiana. Shadows of Hope
Danis, Naomi. It’s Tot Shabbat
Danowski, Sonja. In The Garden With Flori
Dare, Lila. Wave Good-bye: Southern Beauty Shop
Darnton, Nina. An African Affair
Darrow, Verlin. Murder for Liar
Dashner, James. The Death Cure: Maze Runner, Book 3
Dashner, James. The Kill Order: Maze Runner Prequel
Dashner, James. Eye of Minds, The: The Mortality Doctrine
Davenport, Leslie. Healing and Transformation Through Self-Guided Imagery
David, Kate. McKay and the Magical Hat
David, Kate. Murphy and the Magical Hat
David, Timothy M. The Imposed Path: The Gem Keepers Saga, Book 1
David, Timothy M. Tribulations
Davidson, Elizabeth W. Cheery: The True Adventures of a Chiricahua Leopard Frog
Davidson, Jim. Snowfall in Virginia: A Chris Hamilton Novel, Book 2
Davis, Barbara. The Keeper of Happy Endings
Davis, Barbara. The Wishing Tide
Davis, Barbara. Summer at Hideaway Key
Davis, Barbara. Love, Alice
Davis, Catherine G. Alternative Medicine (USA Today Health Reports: Diseases and Disorders)
Davis, David. The Twelve Days of Christmas – in Texas, That Is
Davis, Krista. The Diva Digs Up the Dirt: A Domestic Diva Mystery
Davis, Krista. The Diva Frosts a Cupcake: A Domestic Diva Mystery
Davis, Kyra. Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress
Davis, Mary. Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War (Heroines of WWII, Book 4)
Davis, Victoria. Addicted to Health: Going with God to Break Free from a Health-Obsessed Culture
Dawson, Al. Priest
Day, H. Alan. The Horse Lover: A Cowboy's Quest to Save the Wild Mustangs
Daynard, Jodi. The Midwife's Revolt
Daynard, Jodi. A Transcontinental Affair
de Araujo, Fabio. 2012: The Year of Changes – Prophecies about Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Other Leaders, and the United States
de Bonneval, Gwen. William and the Lost Spirit
de Las Casas, Dianne. Blue Frog: The Legend of Chocolate
de Las Casas, Dianne. Gigantic Sweet Potato, The
de Las Casas, Dianne. There's a Dragon in the Library
de Las Casas, Dianne. The House That Witchy Built
deGroat, Diane and Shelley Rotner. Dogs Don't Brush Their Teeth!
Dealey, Erin. Deck the Walls!: A Wacky Christmas Carol
Dealey, Erin. Snow Globe Wishes
Dean, Steve and Stephen Wedlock. Scoundrels: The League of Maritime Adventurers, Book Three
Dean, William. Dangerous Freedom
Deaver, Jeffery. Carte Blanche 007
DeDakis, John. Fake
Degman, Lori. Travel Guide for Monsters
Delany, Vicki. Among the Departed: A Constable Molly Smith Mystery
DeLeeuw, Brian. In This Way I Was Saved
DeLeon, Miguel Lopez. Galadria: Peter Huddleston and The Rites of Passage
dell Arbol, Victor. The Sadness of the Samurai
Dell, Christopher. Monsters: A Bestiary of Devils, Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Magical Creatures
Dell'Oro, Suzanne Paul. Let’s Look at Earthworms
Delporte, Y. and Peyo. The Smurfnapper
Demas, Corinne. Everything I Was
Dempsey, Kristin. Me Wtih You
Dennis, Carl. Earthborn
DePew, Doug. SAT & BAF! Memories of a Tower Rat
Desjardins, Liliane. The Imprint Journey: A Path of Lasting Transformation into Your Authentic Self
Desjardins, Liliane, Nancy Oelklaus, Irene Watson. Rewriting Life Scripts: Transformational Recovery for Families of Addicts
DeSmet, Christine. First-Degree Fudge: A Fudge Shop Mystery
DeSmet, Sally Saylor. Pages in the Wind
DeStefano, Anthony. I Just Can’t Take It Anymore! Encouragement When Life Gets You Down
DeStefano, Anthony. Little Star
DeStefano, Anthony. The Donkey That No One Could Ride
DeStefano, Lorenzo. House Boy
Deutsch, Stacia and Rhody Cohon. Hot Pursuit: Murder in Mississippi
DeVille, Dwain M. The Biker’s Guide to Business: When Business and Life Meet At The Crossroads
Devine, Eric. Dare Me
Devoir, K.J. Brutal Intentions (Kings of the Order)
Devon, Joseph. Probability Angels
Dexter, Hollye, and Amy Ferris. Dancing at the Shame Prom: Sharing the Stories That Kept Us Small
Dhingsa, Mario. High Office Whispers: Pleasure. Power. Pain.
Dhingsa, Mario. Maps of Bliss and Rage
di Falco, Pasquale. Duskborn Radiance: A Mother’s Question
Diamond, Andrew. The Reisman Case (Claire Chastain, Book 2)
Diamond, Andrew. Gate 76 (Freddy Ferguson, Book 1)
Diamond, Andrew. Kill Romeo (Freddy Ferguson, Book 2)
Diamond, Andrew. 32 Minutes (Freddy Ferguson, Book 3)
Diamond, Andrew. Impala
Diamond, Andrew. The Sellout
Diamond, Andrew. To Hell with Johnny Manic
DiCerto, Mike. The Door to Far-Myst: The Adventures of Rupert Starbright (Volume I)
DiCiurcio, Starr Regan. Divine Sparks: Interfaith Wisdom for a Postmodern World
DiCristofano, Joseph. Paths to Divinity: Volume I
Diehl, Jean Heilprin. Three Little Beavers
Diesen, Deborah. Sing Some More!
Dietrich, William. Blood of the Reich
Diez-Luckie, Cathy. Dinosaurs on the Move: Movable Paper Figures to Cut, Color, and Assemble
Diez-Luckie, Cathy. Famous Figures of Ancient Times: Movable Paper Figures to Cut, Color, and Assemble
Dillard, Sarah. First Day at Zoo School
Dillen, Frederick. Beauty
Dipiazza, Francesca Davis. Netherlands in Pictures
Dipiazza, Francesca Davis. Slovakia in Pictures
Ditson, Lyman. Desert Angels
Dlugos, Jenn and Charlie Hatton. Things That Make You Go Yuck!: Crooked Critters
Dobson, Joanne & Beverle Graves Myers. Face of the Enemy: A New York in Wartime Mystery
Dobson, M. Evonne. Chaos Theory: The Kami Files
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Doeden, Matt. Green Energy: Crucial Gains or Economic Strains?
Doeden, Matt. Gun Control: Preventing Violence or Crushing Constitutional Rights?
Doeden, Matt. Lady Gaga: Pop's Glam Queen (USA Today Lifeline Biographies)
Doeden, Matt. Shaun White (Amazing Athletes)
Doeden, Matt. Steve Jobs: Technology Innovator and Apple Genius
Doeden, Matt. Willie Mays (Sports Heroes and Legends)
Doeden, Matt. Wilt Chamberlain (Sports Heroes and Legends)
Doeden, Matt. Yao Ming (Sports Heroes and Legends)
Doest, Leigh. Perfectly You
Dolan, J. Michael. Trumpets of Jericho, The
Dolin, Ann. Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools, and Solutions to Stress Free Homework
Donald, Rhonda Lucas. Deep in the Desert
Donald, Rhonda Lucas. Dino Tracks
Donaldson, B.D. Where Do They Go? Part 1
Donaldson, Madeline. Iran (Country Explorers)
Donaldson, Madeline. Ireland (Country Explorers)
Donaldson, Madeline. Italy (Country Explorers)
Donaldson, Madeline. United Kingdom (Country Explorers)
Donally, Claire. Cat Nap: A Sunny & Shadow Mystery
Donati, Sara. The Gilded Hour
Donohue, Moira Rose. Stompin' at the Savoy: How Chick Webb Became the King of Drums
Donovan, Sandy. Derek Jeter (Amazing Athletes)
Donavan, Sandy. Communication Smarts: How to Express Yourself Best in Conversations, Texts, E-mails, and More
Donovan, Sandy. The Hispanic American Experience (USA Today Cultural Mosaic)
Donovan, Sandy. Job Smarts: How to Find Work or Start a Business, Manage Earnings, and More
Donovan, Sandy. Media: From News Coverage to Political Advertising (Inside Elections Series)
Donovan, Sandy. Volunteering Smarts: How to Find Opportunities, Create a Positive Experience, and More
Donovan, Sandy. Zoë Kravitz: X-Men's Amazing Angel
Donovan, Sandy and Robin Nelson. The Congress: A Look at the Legislative Branch
Donovan, Tristan. It's All a Game: The History of Board Games from Monopoly to Settlers of Catan
Donvan, John. In a Different Key: The Story of Autism
Dorison, Guillaume. The Planet of Wind 01: The Little Prince
Dorison, Guillaume. The Planet of Music: The Little Prince
Dortzbach, Ken. Finding Hemingway
Dosa, David. Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat
Dossett, Natalie. Sarita
Downer, Ann. Shark Baby
Downham, Jenny. You Against Me
Downing, Johnette. There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Bugs
Dowson, Oliver. Spies on Safari: The Repurposed Spies, Book 2
Doyle, Peter Reese. Drums of War Series
Drake, Rebecca. Just Between Us
Dray, Stephanie and Laura Kamoie. My Dear Hamilton: A Novel of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton
Driggs, A.K. Abandoned in Search of Rainbows
Droyd, Ann. Goodnight iPad: A Parody for the Next Generation
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Drummond, Richard Alan. Hurricane Katrina: One Man’s Defining Moment of Reference
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Duffy, Thomas. The Separation
Duffy, Thomas. To Never Know
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Duke, Shirley. Unthinkable (Night Fall)
Dumrauf, Doris. Common Backyard Birds
Dumrauf, Doris. Create Your Own Backyard Wildlife Habitat
Duncan, Paul. Eastwood (Movie Icons Series)
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Dunsen-White, Naomi V. Why Am I Here? A Child's Book About Purpose
Duran, Meredith. A Lady’s Code of Misconduct (Rules for the Reckless)
Dustman, Karen. Writing A Memoir from Stuck to Finished!: Helpful Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Family History and Putting Life Stories on Paper
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Edmunds, Liz. The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner: Easy Family Meals for Every Day of the Week
Edwards, Caterina. Finding Rosa: A Mother with Alzheimer's, a Daughter in Search of the Past
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Eiland, Murray Lee. Return to Babylon: The Orfeo Saga, Book Five
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Eley, Christi. Mr. Flopsy Whispers From God: A Lesson On Being Still
Elgin, Beckie. Journey: The Amazing Story of OR-7, the Oregon Wolf that Made History
Eliott, Peter. A Dream of Shadows (The Shadow Bidder Series, Book One)
Elissa, Barbara. The Remarkable Journey of Josh's Kippah
Ellis, Alicia. Yellow Tape
Ellis, C. Arthur. Bible Bullies: How Fundamentalists Got The Good Book So Wrong
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Emanuelli, Lenny. At The Crossroads Of Terror
Emberley, Rebecca. There Was An Old Monster!
Emerson, Sharon. Zebrafish
Engdahl, Sylvia. Herald of the Flame: Book Two of the Rising Flame Series
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Esposito, Salvatore. The Sure Mercies
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Evans, M.J. The Stone of Courage: Book 2 of the Centaur Chronicles
Evans, M.J. The Stone of Integrity: Book 3 of the Centaur Chronicles
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Exley, Lynda and Conrad J. Storad. Arizona: Way Out West & Wacky
Fad, Scott. King of Nod
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Falzarano, Felice. My Emotional Journey: Showing Strength and Finding Forgiveness
Fantaskey, Beth. Jekel Loves Hyde
Fardell, John. The Day Louis Got Eaten
Farmer, Patty. The Persian Room Presents: An Oral History of New York’s Most Magical Night Spot
Farrar, Amy. ADHD (USA Today Health Reports: Diseases and Disorders)
Faulkner, Henry. Sprouting Wings: Book One in the Alan Ericsson Series
Febbraro, Flavio and Burkhard Schwetje. How to Read World History in Art
Feder, Sandra. The Moon Inside
Feinstein, Gary. Under the Family Tree
Feld, Ellen F. Rimfire: The Barrel Racing Morgan Horse
Feld, Ellen F. Shadow: The Curious Morgan Horse
Feldman, Jeanette and Nadine Galinsky Feldman (editor). Patchwork & Ornament: A Woman's Journey of Life, Love, and Art
Feldman, Joy. Joyful Cooking in the Pursuit of Good Health
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Felty, Rick. Tabitha Fink Ninja at Night
Felty, Rick. Tabitha Fink and the Patchwork Pirates
Felty, Rick. Tabitha Fink and the Cowboy Code
Feeney, F.X. Brando (Movie Icon Series)
Feeney, F.X. Cary Grant (Movie Icons Series)
Feeney, F.X. Johnny Depp (Movie Icons Series)
Fennell, John. Raven and the Panther
Fennell, John. Raven Gone Rogue
Fenton, Margaret. Little Girl Gone
Fenton, Margaret. Little White Lies: Social Worker Claire Conover Mystery #3
Fergus, Jim. One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd
Fernando, Chantal. Seducing the Defendant (The Conflict of Interest Series Book 2)
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Fertig, Judith. The Memory of Lemon
Fertig, Michael. If Cats Could Talk: The Meaning of Meow
Fields, Ylleya. Princess Cupcake Jones Won’t Go to School (Princess Cupcake Jones Series)
Fields, Terri. Burro's Tortillas
Figley, Marty Rhodes. Clara Morgan and the Oregon Trail Journey
Figley, Marty Rhodes. President Lincoln, Willie Kettles, and the Telegraph Machine (History Speaks Picture Books Plus Reader's Theater)
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Fishman, Rick. The Navajo Event
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Gatsby Girls: Short Stories from the Saturday Evening Post
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Fitzpatrick, Shari. Berried in Chocolate: How I Built a Multimillion-Dollar Business by Doing What I Love to Do and How You Can Too
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Fleisher, Paul. Lightning, Hurricanes, and Blizzards: The Science of Storms
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Flower, Amanda. A Plain Scandal: An Appleseed Creek Mystery
Flower, Amanda. Murder in a Basket
Floyd, Freddie. The MENtal Fight of Your Life
Fodor. Fodor's Florida 2010 (Full-Color Gold Guides)
Fodor. Fodor's The Complete Guide to the National Parks of the West, 2nd Edition
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Foster, Cass and Lynn B. Johnson. Shakespeare: To Teach or Not to Teach, Teaching Shakespeare Made Fun! (From Elementary to High School)
Foster, Cass. Sixty-Minute Shakespeare: Macbeth
Foster, Susan. Smart Packing for Today’s Traveler
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Frei, David. Angel on a Leash: Therapy Dogs and the Lives They Touch
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Freytag, Bernie. Find Wonder in the Ordinary: A Kid’s Book for Adults
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Friedman, Steve. Lost on Treasure Island: A Memoir of Longing, Love, and Lousy Choices in New York City
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Fullerton, Jackie. Ring Around the Rosy
Fullilove, Eric James. Overlord
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Funke, Cornelia. The Griffin's Feather (Dragon Rider #2)
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Gaber, Philip. Between Eden and the Open Road
Gaber, Philip. Epic Sloth: Tales of the Long Crawl
Gabriel, Andrea. Wandering Woolly
Gadot, A.S. Tower of Babel
Galaini, William Lj. Trampling in the Land of Woe (Hellbound series, Book 1)
Gallagher, Liz. My Not-So-Still Life
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Gamel, John. The Man Who Lived in an Eggcup: A Memoir of Triumph and Self-Destruction
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Gardner, Bruce. Seeing Glory: A Novel of Family Strife, Faith, and the American Civil War
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Garry, Patrick. The Discovery
Garry, Patrick. The Illusion
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Gehret, Jeanne. Houdini's Gift
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Goldfarb, Ann I. Light Riders and the Fleur-de-lis Murder
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Goldman, Dara. Boris and Stella and the Perfect Gift
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Goldsmith, Connie. Skin Cancer (USA Today Health Reports: Diseases and Disorders)
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Goldstein, Brigitte. Babylon Laid Waste: A Journey in the Twilight of the Idols 2019 Edition
Goldstein, Brigitte. Death of a Diva: From Berlin to Broadway
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Goodman, Gabriel. Plague Riders (After the Dust Settled)
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Guzik, Dennis. Find a Job That Fits Your Life: Land Your Dream Job With This Personalized Guide
Gyllenhaal, Liza. A Place for Us
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