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DIYA: A Megawatt Approach to Change

DIYA: A Megawatt Approach to Change


By: Aruna Gurumurthy 
Publisher: CreateSpace
Publication Date: September 2015
ISBN: 978-1-5170-5977-4
Reviewed by: Amy Lignor 
Review Date: March 15, 2016

With all the dark, depressing and, let’s face it, all the news in regards to politics, finances (and the list goes on), it is quite easy for people not only to lose hope, but also lose their way entirely. Some look to faith to continue – belief and allegiance to a Divine entity that is watching over us all. There are others who struggle each and every day to find what is within them that they can use to power past the hard days and not succumb to the negatives of life.

This book does a spectacular job of showing all people how to do just that. Written in a format that is much like a blog or someone’s personal diary, DIYA offers entries that highlight many of the questions people in all countries of the world ask. The answers are not all given here, of course, but what is given are the paths that can be taken when times seem more than a little rough. Paths that can not only be learned, but also be shared and discussed with others out there. In other words, a learning experience that could bring positive changes to us all.

The author speaks about a “Bible of Life,” at the beginning of this book – a set of tenets that would be great to have when it comes to dealing with everyday experiences. DIYA, if read well and taken the time to study and enjoy, becomes this Bible: everyone can learn what it means to keep an open mind, or find a way to alter thinking patterns that could even lead to world peace. From talking about Mother’s Day to better understanding senior illnesses to a stunning look into the world of music and why it sparks so much joy and fire in people, the author covers it all. She speaks eloquently about self-doubt, and not having fear when it comes to a personal dream changing over the years.

Humor, in-depth conversation, real life struggles – DIYA is exactly what it claims to be; an approach to the world of change that everyone can understand and feel grateful for while making those changes count. To place this book in some sort of self-help “niche” in the world of non-fiction would be (to this reviewer) belittling the message. In other words, this is not self-help, this is a book filled with wisdom that will open doors (by opening the mind) to hope, prosperity and success.

Quill says: A giving, highly generous book that will speak to people in all walks of life.

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