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Me With You

Me With You

By: Kristin Dempsey 
Publisher: Philomel 
Publication Date: May 2009 
ISBN: 978-0399250170 
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler 
Review Date: November 2009 

Grandfather bear sat in his Adirondack chair doing a puzzle in the paper while his little granddaughter watered the tulips in the garden. They loved being near each other, even when they were doing different things. It was a comfortable sort of feeling. She enjoyed setting up a tea party for him so he could share a piece of pie at her fancy table. He loved to push her on the tire swing, yelling all the while, but he was prepared to clean her up in case she landed in a puddle. If his hat blew off his head, she was the first one to run after it. She was a very good cheerleader when he was up at bat. If she was sick in bed he was there to tuck her in and read a story. He'd stay with her through the night just to make certain she would be fine. They were a very special pair.

"We're a pair beyond compare, 
a rare and special two, 
in all the ways that I am me 
and you're completely you." 

This is a wonderful tale of the special love that a young child, or bear in this case, has for her grandfather. It's a love that cannot compare with any other and the author and the artist have captured this feeling perfectly. The simple rhyming scheme is light and comforting and the little things in life like walking in the rain, watering flowers and a grandfather tending to his granddaughter when she is sick are captured perfectly. The artwork is very detailed and gorgeous.

Quill says: If you are a Grandpa, Gramps, Pop-Pop, Grandpappy, Granddad, Granddaddy, Grandpop, PawPaw, Pop, Boppa, Poppa, Big Paw, Bampa, Grampie, Pap or even a Demps and have a special granddaughter, you're going to need this book!

Feathered Quill

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