Padilla, E.V. The Lost Princess of Alicante
Padilla, John Paul. Johnny Big-Ears Meets His New Neighbor Suzy
Page, Jenna. A Star in the Endless Night
Paige, D.M. Box-Office Smash (The Opportunity)
Paik, Richard. A Thing or Two About the Game
Palevich, Aksana. The Ten-Dollar Dream: Live and Love Your Own Dream
Palm, Phyllis W. The Key, the Turtle, and the Bottle of Schnapps: In Honor of My Parents and Grandparents Who Survived the Holocaust
Palm, Phyllis W. Put That Knife Away: Alzheimer's, Marriage and My Transformation from Wife to Caregiver
Palmer, Alex. Weird-o-Pedia: The Ultimate Book of Surprising, Strange, and Incredibly Bizarre Facts about (Supposedly) Ordinary Things
Palmer, Diana. Merciless
Palmer, Michael. Oath of Office
Palombo, Alyssa. The Most Beautiful Woman in Florence: A Story of Botticelli
Palumbo, Dennis. Night Terrors: A Daniel Rinaldi Mystery
Pando, Leo. An Illustrated History of Trigger: The Lives and Legend of Roy Rogers' Palomino
Paolini, Christopher. Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle)
Papademetriou, Lisa. Fury's Fire
Pappano, Patrick. Owning Main Street: A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market
Paradise, Bill. You and God: How to Build the Most Important Relationship of Your Life
Pardey, Lin. Bull Canyon A Boatbuilder, a Writer, and Other Wildlife
Paris, B.A. Behind Closed Doors
Parker, Amy. Thank You, God, for Mommy
Parker, Robert B. Night and Day (A Jesse Stone Novel)
Parker, Robert B. Stranger In Paradise (A Jesse Stone Novel)
Parrish, P.J. Heart of Ice
Parsons, Ronda. Creating Joy and Meaning for the Dementia Patient: A Caregiver's Guide to Connection and Hope
Pataki, Allison. The Accidental Empress
Pataki, Allison. The Traitor's Wife
Patchen, Jacob Paul. No Pistol Tastes the Same (PTSD Disaster Book 1)
Patrick, Jean L.S. The Baseball Adventure of Jackie Mitchell, Girl Pitcher Vs. Babe Ruth
Patrick, Stephen and David Rike. The Holocaust Engine: A Post-Apocalyptic Pandemic Thriller
Patterson, James. The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
Pattison, Darcy. Desert Baths
Pattison, Darcy. Prairie Storms
Patton, Lisa. Yankee Doodle Dixie
Paul, Chris. Long Shot: Never Too Small to Dream Big
Pauley, James, Jr. & Potterbaum, Charlene. An Unconditional Friendship: Messages from a Colorful Granny and an Off-Color Gay Guy
Paulsen, Gary. Flat Broke
Paulsen, Gary. Paintings From the Cave
Paulsen, Mark L. and Ashley Marriott. Your Best Body Now!
Pausch, Randy and Zaslow, Jeffrey.The Last Lecture
Peach, Kathy. The Tiniest Tumbleweed
Pearson, Carrie A. A Cool Summer Tail
Pearson, Carrie A. A Warm Winter Tail
Pease, Elaine. Ghost Over Boulder Creek: A Historical Cheyenne Mystery
Peck, Marcia. Water Music: A Cape Cod Story
Peckinpah, Sandy. How to Survive the Worst That Can Happen: A Parent's Step by Step Guide to Healing After the Loss of a Child
Pelletier, Stacia The Half Wives
Pelzel, Mary J. Mary’s Place: Reflections and Recipes
Pelzman, Adam. Troika
Peña, P.A. Inassea Chronicles: The Blighted Flame
Penn, Audrey. A Bedtime Kiss for Chester Raccoon
Penn, Audrey. A Color Game For Chester Raccoon
Penn, Audrey. Chester the Brave: The Kissing Hand Series
Penn, Audrey. Chester Raccoon and the Almost Perfect Sleepover
Penner, Jonathan and Steven Jay Schneider. Horror Cinema
Perinot, Sophie. Médicis Daughter: A Novel of Marguerite de Valois
Perkins, Paki. Mahalo Does Not Mean Trash
Perrin, Pat and Wim Coleman. Anna's World
Perrottet, Tony. Napoleon’s Privates: 2,500 years of History Unzipped
Perry, Jane C. How to be Successful With Houseplants From the Plant’s Perspective
Perry, Patricia. Quest for the Source of Darkness
Perry, Patricia. The Fortress of Darkness
Peters, Dylan.Tic Talk: Living with Tourette Syndrome: A 9-Year-Old Boy’s Story In His Own Words
Peterson, David J. The Art of Language Invention: From Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the Words Behind World-Building
Peterson, Jerome. Thumb Flagging
Peterson, Josie. Godsmack Part 1: The Mother Earth
Peterson, Lindi. Her Best Catch
Petrucha, Stefan. Blood Prophecy
Petrucha, Stefan. Nancy Drew The New Case Files #1: Nancy Drew Vampire Slayer
Petruzziello, Lorenzo. A Mistake Incomplete
Petruzziello, Lorenzo. The Love Fool: A Rome-antic Comedy
Pettersen, Bev. A Pony for Christmas: A Montana Holiday Novella
Petty, Scott. The Fourth Wall
Peyo, and Y. Delporte. The Smurfnapper
Pfeffer, Wendy. A New Beginning: Celebrating the Spring Equinox
Pflugfelder, Science Bob and Steve Hockensmith. Nick and Tesla’s High-Voltage Danger Lab
Pflugfelder, Science Bob and Steve Hockensmith. Nick and Tesla’s Robot Army Rampage
Pflugfelder, Science Bob and Steve Hockensmith. Nick and Tesla’s Secret Agent Gadget Battle
Phillips, Alice. Ally's Kitchen: A Passport for Adventurous Palates
Phillips, Krista. The Engagement Plot
Phillips, Linda. A Beautiful Here: Emerging From The Overwhelming Darkness Of My Son's Suicide
Phillips, William T. Restless Heart
Phoenix, Charles. Addicted to Americana: Celebrating Classic & Kitschy American Life & Style
Phoenix, Sal Atlantis. Alzheimer My Love
Phoenix, Sal Atlantis. Destiny of a War Veteran
Phoenix, Sal Atlantis. Prostate Dreams: a Comedy of Medical Errors (Play)
Phyo, Ani. Ani’s Raw Food Desserts: 85 Easy, Delectable Sweets and Treats
Pierce, Tamora. Mastiff: The Legend of Beka Cooper (Book 3)
Pierce, Terry. Blackberry Banquet
Piehl, Janet. Let's Look at Sloths
Piehl, Janet. Yellowstone National Park
Pilcher, Fred. The Queen of Xana
Pilcher, Fred. Agatha the Beloved Queen
Pimentel, Melissa. Love By The Book
Pimentel, Melissa. The One That Got Away
Pimm, Nancy Roe. The Daytona 500: The Thrill and Thunder of the Great American Race
Pincus, Meeg. Miep and the Most Famous Diary: The Woman Who Rescued Anne Frank's Diary
Pincus, Meeg. Ocean Soup: A Recipe for You, Me, and a Cleaner Sea
Piner, Carol. Evidence of Insanity
Pines, Burton Yale. America’s Greatest Blunder: The Fateful Decision to Enter World War One
Pinsker, Scott. The Second Coming: A Love Story
Pippin, Tina and Cherly Kirk-Duggan. Mother Goose, Mother Jones, Mommie Dearest: Biblical Mothers and Their Children
Pittman, Rickey E. Irish Alphabet
Pitts, Earline Buchanan. Jubilant Echoes of Silent Love: An Inspirational Journey In Poetry
Plaster, Simon. Brokla: A Tale of Things Falling Apart
Plaster, Simon. Boo! A Chilling Tale of Too-Too #MeToo
Plaster, Simon. Flicks: A Tale of Cinematic Docudrama, Half-Truths and Half-Fictions
Plaster, Simon. Greezers: A Tale of Establishment's Decline and Fall
Plaster, Simon. News: A Tale of Too Much Information and a Girl
Plaster, Simon. Opry: A Semi-Musical Tale of Honky Tonk Lifestyle
Plaster, Simon. Reprise: A Memorious Tale of Things Present
Plaster, Simon. Spots: A Tale of Star-Struck Misfame and Misfortune
Plaster, Simon. Tracks: A Curious Tale of Who's Her Daddy?
Plaster, Simon. Versus: A Tale of Zero-Sum Contestation
Plaster, Simon. Wind: A Tragicomedic Tale of Trials & Errors
Platt, Tara and Yuri Lowenthal. Voice-Over Voice Actor: What It’s Like Behind the Mic
Poepper, Thomas, Frank Zollner and and Christof Thoenes. Michelangelo: Life & Work
Pointer, Tom. One Lucky Fool
Pointer, Tom. Vivian’s Song
Polites, Taylor M. The Rebel Wife
Pollack, John. The Pun Also Rises: How the Humble Pun Revolutionized Language, Changed History, and Made Wordplay More Than Some Antics
Pollock, Jerry. Messiah Interviews
Pomerance, Diane. Our Rescue Dog Family Album
Ponnapalli, Pardu. Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas
Pope, Melissa. Storm Buddies
Porter, Kathy. Earth's Ultimate Conflict
Posey, Sophie Jupillat. I Really Really Don't Want Braces
Posner, Stan and Phillips-Posner, Sandra. Drive I-95: Exit by Exit Info, Maps, History and Trivia
Potter, Christina. Head of the Pack: Chester Gigolo's Advanced Dog Training Secrets
Potter, William R. Dead of Knight: A Jack Staal Mystery
Potts, Sharon. Someone's Watching
Pouillon, Nora. My Organic Life: How a Pioneering Chef Helped Shape the Way We Eat Today
Pourasgari, Homa. The Dawn of Saudi: In Search of Freedom
Powell, Laura. The Game of Triumphs
Praeger, Ellen. Sea Slime: It's Eeuwy, Gooey and Under the Sea
Praphanchith, Disko. Courage: A Story of Love and Friendship
Prather, John. The Jesus Nut
Pratt, Gregor. Dragon's Eye: Who's Watching You? (The Jack and Maddy Gamble Series, Book 2)
Pratt, Jason. Cry of Justice
Pratt, Mary. Michael Jackson: King of Pop
Pratt-Bergstrom, Beth. When Mountain Lions Are Neighbors: People and Wildlife Working It Out in California
Price, Vincent. The Book of Joe: About a Dog and His Man
Primack, Allyson Ochs. Mom On the Road
PrimeLife Wellness. 10-Minute Balance Exercises for Seniors: Fully Illustrated Home Workout Guide with 58 Simple Exercises to Improve Stability, Core Strength, Prevent Falls & Gain Independence
PrimeLife Wellness. 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors: Simple Illustrated Workout Guide for Core Strength, Balance, and Flexibility to Prevent Injuries and Lose Weight in Under 30 Days
Printup, Riza and Marcus. Theodore and Hazel and the Bird
Pronko, Michael. Motions and Moments: More Essays on Tokyo
Pronko, Michael. The Last Train (Detective Hiroshi series, Book 1)
Pronko, Michael. The Moving Blade (Detective Hiroshi series, Book 2)
Pronko, Michael. Tokyo Tempos
Pronko, Michael. Tokyo Traffic (Detective Hiroshi series, Book 3)
Pronko, Michael. Tokyo Zangyo (Detective Hiroshi series, Book 4)
Pronko, Michael. Azabu Getaway (Detective Hiroshi Series, Book 5)
Pronko, Michael. Shitamachi Scam (Detective Hiroshi Series, Book 6)
Prose, Francine. My New American Life
Pruitt, Lonnie, E. Prayer Is Our Power
Pugh, Candida. Bridge of the Single Hair
Puig, Raqiel. Doorways to Paris
Pulford, Elizabeth. Broken
Pursell, Kirsten Hegberg. On Becoming Me: Memoir of an 80's Teenager
Putman, Cara. Imperfect Justice (Hidden Justice)
Puttlitz, Karl. Red, White and Boom
Pylvainen, Hanna. We Sinners: A Novel
Pyron, Bobbie. A Dog's Way Home
Quay, Natasha. Breksta's Academy
Quindlen, Anna. Good Dog, Stay
Quinn, Darlene. Webs of Fate
Quinn, Kate. Mistress of Rome
Quinn, Kate. The Serpent and the Pearl: A Novel of the Borgias
Quinn, Rick. Jazzy and Kettle
Quinn, Spencer. The Dog Who Knew Too Much
Quirk, Matthew. The 500
Raab, Diana M. Dear Anais: My Life in Poems for You
Raab, Diana M. The Guilt Gene
Raab, Diana M. Healing with Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey
Raab, Diana M. Hummingbird: Messages from My Ancestors
Raab, Diana M. Listening to Africa
Raab, Diana M. and James Brown. Writers on the Edge: 22 Writers Speak About Addiction and Dependency
Raab, Diana M. Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life
Rabasa, Marilea. Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss, and Transformation
Racey, Ian C. A Traitor's Loyalty: A Novel of International Intrigue
Raczka, Bob. Before They Were Famous: How Seven Artists Got Their Start
Raczka, Bob. Speaking of Art: Colorful Quotes by Famous Painters (Bob Raczka's Art Adventures)
Raczka, Bob. The Vermeer Interviews: Conversations with Seven Works of Art (Bob Raczka's Art Adventures)
Rader, Laura C. Hatfield 1677
Radke, Linda F. The Economical Guide to Self-Publishing: How to Produce and Market Your Book On a Budget
Rae, Charlotte. The Facts of My Life
Rago, Denise K. Immortal Obsession
Rahman, Roushanara. Memoirs of a Life Insurance Icon: Khuda Buksh
Railsback, Lisa. Noonie's Masterpiece
Rain, David. The Heat of the Sun
Ramsay, Frederick. Holy Smoke: A Jerusalem Mystery
Randel, Jim. The Skinny on the Art of Persuasion: How to Move Minds
Randel, Jim. The Skinny on Credit Cards: How to Master the Credit Card Game
Randel, Jim. The Skinny on Networking: Maximizing the Power of Numbers
Rando, Anthony F. A Book of Poems: The Inner Soul
Rando, Anthony F. After the Storm: Poetry That Refreshes the Soul
Randol, Anna. Sins of a Virgin
Raney, Bill. Letters to Zerky: A Father’s Legacy to a Lost Son…and a Road Trip Around the World
Raney, Bill. Letters to Zerky: A Father’s Legacy to a Lost Son…and a Road Trip Around the World (A Companion CD)
Ransom, Candice. Big Rigs on the Move
Ransom, Candice. The Night of the Hurricane’s Fury (On My Own History)
Ransom, Candice. The Rescue Adventure of Stenny Green, Hindenburg Crash Eyewitness (History's Kid Heroes)
Ransom, Candice. The Lifesaving Adventure of Sam Deal, Shipwreck Rescuer
Rappaport, Helen. The Race to Save the Romanovs: The Truth Behind the Secret Plans to Rescue the Russian Imperial Family
Rappaport, Helen. The Romanov Sisters: The Lost Lives of the Daughters of Nicholas and Alexandra
Ratz, George. George’s Candy: Rescue, Death, and Love in Vietnam
Raven, Margot Theis. Rags: Hero Dog of WWI: A True Story
Rawlings, Stuart. The God Child
Rawls, Randy. Thorns on Roses
Ray, Robert J. Murdock Rocks Sedona: A Matt Murdock Murder Mystery
Raybourn, Deanna. A Curious Beginning: A Veronica Speedwell Mystery
Raymond, Cathy. Sing What You Cannot Say
Raymond, W.H. Theo and a Horse Named Rocket
Rayner, Sarah. One Moment, One Morning
Rayner, Sarah. A Dark Dividing
Rayner, Sarah. Getting Even
Read, C. Walking with the Enemy
Reader's Digest/Taste of Home. 365 Days of Cookies
Reaves, Cleere Cherry. The Miracle of You
Rebello, Stephen. Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho
Record, Bree. The Road to Transition
Reed, Hannah. Buzz Off
Reed, Hannah. Mind Your Own Beeswax
Reed, Hannah. Plan Bee
Reed, Jean. Five Funny Tummy Men
Reed, Mary Hutchings. One for the Ark
Reede, Zari. Blinked
Rees, Matt. Mozart's Last Aria
Reeve, Moira C. and Sharon Biggs. The Original Horse Bible: The Definitive Source for All Things Horse
Regan, Lisa and Matt Anniss. Being a DJ (On the Radar: Awesome Jobs)
Regordosa, Adrià. Dustrats: Or, The Adventures of Sir Muffin Muffinsson
Rehkamp, Kristin Rohman. Finding Us: A Mother's Memoir of Braving Mental Illness With Her Young Daughter
Reid, Doug. Rows of Praise
Reid, Doug. The Glorious Between
Reid, Linda and Deborah Shlian. Devil Wind
Reilly, Matthew. The Great Zoo of China
Reinhardt, Dana. The Summer I Learned to Fly
Reisler, Jim. Babe Ruth: Launching the Legend
Relin, David Oliver and Greg Mortenson. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time
Renner, James. The Man From Primrose Lane
Rensin, Emmett and Alexander Aciman. Twitterature
Renteria, Robert. Mi Barrrio
Reschke, Glenn. Something Went Cold
Ressler, Barron. When I Grow Up I Want to the U.S. Army
Restrepo, Bettina. Moose and Magpie
Reyelts, Barbara Macpherson. Dying to Live
Reyes, Laurisa White. Rock of Ivanore: Book I of The Celestine Chronicles
Rezvani, Selena. The Next Generation of Women Leaders: What You Need to Lead but Won't Learn in Business School
Rice, Anne. Prince Lestat: The Vampire Chronicles
Richards, Susan. Saddled: How a Spirited Horse Reined Me In and Set Me Free
Richardson, Jasmine and Eric Frank. Microgreens: A Guide to Growing Nutrient Packed Greens
Richardson, Julia. Let's Build A Little Train
Richardson, Lisa Boalt. The World in Your Teacup: Celebrating Tea Traditions, Near and Far
Richardson, Lisa Boalt. Tea with a Twist: Entertaining and Cooking with Tea
Richardson, Steve. Paisley Rabbit and the Treehouse Contest
Richardson, Tracy. The Field
Richman, Adam. America the Edible: A Hungry History, From Sea to Dining Sea
Richman, Alyson. The Garden of Letters
Richman, Alyson. The Velvet Hours
Riddle, Deana. Writer Watchdog Self-Publishing Directory - 2009 Edition
Ridenour, Dana. Beyond the Cabin
Rief, Sandra F. and Judith Stern. The Dyslexia Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers
Riggs, Ransom. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Riggs, Ransom. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children: The Graphic Novel
Riggs, Ransom. Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Rigolosi, Steven. Androgynous Murder House Party
Rike, David and Stephen Patrick. The Holocaust Engine: A Post-Apocalyptic Pandemic Thriller
Riley, Joelle. Examining Erosion: Searchlight Books - Do You Dig Earth Science?
Riley, Joelle. Your Nervous System: How Does Your Body Work?
Ringer, Robert. The Entrepreneur: The Way Back for the U.S. Economy
Rips, Nancy. High Holiday Stories: Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Thoughts on Family, Faith and Food
Rips, Nancy. Hanukkah Stories
Rising, Jim. But Then Again I Could Be Wrong: The Book of Rants
Riske, Al. Precarious: Stories of Love, Sex, and Misunderstanding
Rivadeneira, Caryn. Gone to the Dogs: Frankinschool Book 3
Rivadeneira, Caryn. Penny Helps Portia Face Her Fears (Helper Hounds)
Rivera, Ruben. Z is for Zapatazo
Rivers, Amy. All the Broken People
Rivers, Amy. Complicit (A Legacy of Silence)
Rivers, Amy. Stumble & Fall (A Legacy of Silence Book 2)
Rix, Jamie. Panda Panic: Awesome Animals
R.K. Travels With a Road Dog: Hitchhiking Along the Roads of the Americas
Robbins, Richard. Love, Loss, and Lagniappe
Robbins, Richard. Panicles
Robbins, Trina. Chicagoland Detective Agency 1: The Drained Brains Caper
Robbins, Trina. Chicagoland Detective Agency 2: Night of the Living Dogs
Robbins, Trinia. Chicagoland Detective Agency 4: The Big Flush
Roberts, Matty. Child of Etherclaw
Roberts, Nora. The Liar
Roberts, Nora. Bay of Sighs: Book Two of the Guardians Trilogy
Roberts, Nora. Stars of Fortune: Book One of the Guardians Trilogy
Roberts, Nora. The Obsession
Roberts, Terry. The Adventures of Cleo and Leo
Robertson, Imogen. The Paris Winter
Robins, Neil. Wild Savannah: The Adventures of Two Safari Guides
Robinson, James. I Injured My Foot Doing the Mashed Potato: Or...I Should Have Stuck With the Twist
Robinson, James. Death of a Shrinking Violet: Nice Guys Finish First
Robinson, Kirk Ward. Ridley Speaks
Robinson, Lee. Lawyer for the Cat: A Sally Baynard Novel
Robinson, Lee. Lawyer for the Dog: A Sally Baynard Novel
Robinson, Peter. Bad Boy
Robinson, Tom. Donovan Mcnabb: Leader on and Off the Field (Sports Stars With Heart)
Robinson, Tom. Fibonacci Zoo
Robison, James. God of All Creation: Life Lessons from Pets and Wildlife
Robison, John Elder. Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
Robuck, Erika. Call Me Zelda
Roche, Suzanne. Making It Home
Rodgers, Niles. Le Freak: An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco, and Destiny
Rodriguez, Andrew. Santa Rita Stories
Rodriguez, Edel. Sergio Makes a Splash
Roe, Aaron. Saints and Martyrs
Roecker, Ron. The Shiny Shenanigans of Aunties and Squirrel (6 of 1/Half Doz of the Other Book 4)
Roetheli, Serge. The 25,000 Mile Love Story: The Epic Story of the Couple Who Sacrificed Everything to Run the World
Rogers, David. The Lay-Off House
Rogers, Julie. Seven Shorts
Rol, Ruud an der, and Menno Metselaar. Anne Frank: Her life in words and pictures from the archives of The Anne Frank House
Rollins, Jack and Steve Nelson. Frosty the Snowan
Rollins, L.G. Shadows of Angels
Roman, Carole P. Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex: A Superhero High School Adventure
Roman, Carole P. Oh Susannah: It's in the Bag (An Oh Susannah Story)
Roman, Carole P. Oh Susannah: Things That Go Bump (An Oh Susannah Story)
Romano, Stephen. Resurrection Express
Rontal, Gene. A Pre-Existing Condition: A Detective Ben Dailey, M.D. Mystery
Rooney, John F. Last Passage to Santiago
Rooney, John F. Nine Lives Too Many (Book 1 in the Lieutenant Denny Delaney series)
Rooney, John F. Clawed Back from the Dead (Book 2 in the Lieutenant Denny Delaney series)
Rooney, John F. Unprotected Love (Book 3 in the Lieutenant Denny Delaney series)
Roopchand-Walker, Marsha. Transcendence: A Woman’s Guide on How to Heal, Discover Self-love for Better Health, Happiness and Abundance
Rorby, Ginny. Girl Under Glass
Rosen, Renee. Dollface: A Novel of the Roaring Twenties
Rosen, Renee. What the Lady Wants: A Novel of Marshall Field and the Gilded Age
Rosen, Renee. White Collar Girl
Rosen, Renee. Windy City Blues
Rosenberg, Charles. Write to Die
Rosenberg, Marc. Kyd's Game
Rosenfelt, David. Lessons from Tara: Life Advice from the World's Most Brilliant Dog
Rosenheim, Andrew. Fear Itself
Rosenstock, Barb. The Littlest Mountain
Rosenthal, Amy Krouse. Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons
Rosett, Sara. Mimosas, Mischief, and Murder
Rosner, David and Linda Carroll. Duel for the Crown: Affirmed, Alydar, and Racing's Greatest Rivalry
Rosoff, Meg. The Bride's Farewell
Ross, Betsy L. The Bones of the World
Ross, Ivy and Susan Magsamen. Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us
Ross, Jennifer Talbot. The Story of Moses
Ross, John. Enduring Courage: Ace Pilot Eddie Rickenbacker and the Dawn of the Age of Speed
Ross, Kathy. Creative Kitchen Crafts
Ross, Kathy. Earth-Friendly Crafts: Clever Ways to Reuse Everyday Items
Ross, Kathy. One-of-a-Kind Stamps and Crafts
Ross, Tony. I Want to Win!
Rosso, Julee and Lukins, Sheila. The Silver Palate Cookbook
Roth, Veronica. Divergent
Rotert, Rebecca. Last Night at the Blue Angel
Rotner, Shelley and Diane DeGroat. Dogs Don't Brush Their Teeth!
Rotner, Shelley and Amy Goldbas. Home
Rotstein, Robert. Reckless Disregard: A Parker Stern Novel
Rotter, Gabe. The Human Bobby
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider’s First Mitzvah
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider’s First Simchat Torah
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider's New Friend
Rowe, Diana. Born to Die in My Place: A Timeless Story
Rowe, Diana. Born to Die in My Place: A Story of Unconditional Love
Rowe, Diana. An Invitation to the Sanctuary
Rowell, Rebecca. Weather and Climate Through Infographics (Super Science Infographics)
Rowen, Michelle. Blood Bath & Beyond: An Immortality Bites Mystery
Ruggerio, David. A Prison Without Locks
Ruggerio, David. Say Goodbye and Goodnight
Ruhl, Emily. The Bonds Between Us (The Web of Wyrd Trilogy, Book One)
Rusch, Elizabeth. Volcano Rising
Russell, Sue and Elizabeth Williams. The Illustrated Courtroom: 50+ Years of Court Art
Russo, Tom. Chicago Rink Rats: The Roller Capital in Its Heyday
Rutledge, Lynda. Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale
Rutherfurd, Edward. New York: The Novel
Rutherfurd, Edward. Paris: The Novel
Rutledge, J.. Truth and The Serpent
Ryan, Arliss. The Secret Confessions of Anne Shakespeare
Ryan, Carrie. Foretold: 14 Stories of Prophecy & Prediction
Ryan, Catee. The Prisoner and The Executioner
Ryan, Nathalie Bujold. Harpazo: Book One of the Trib Trilogy
Rydon, Richard. The Oortian Summer
Rydon, Richard. The Omega Wave
Rydon, Richard. The Palomar Paradox: A SETI Mystery
Sabbas, Mark. The Monarchs
Sachs, Lloyd. American Country: Bluegrass, Honky-Tonk, and Crossover Sounds
Sacks, Nathan. American Hip-Hop: Rappers, DJs, and Hard Beats
Sackett, Sam. Sweet Betsy From Pike
Sadler, Ian. Normal Nina and the Magic Box (The Laugh & Learn Series)
Salerno, Geva. Center of Gravity: One woman's experiment to reinvent her entire life through creativity, spirituality, and a leap of faith
Salim, Dana. Beautifully Different: Yousuf’s Everyday Adventures
Saller-Schneider, Susanne. French Bulldogs: Breed Profiles Series
Sallis, James. Driven
Saloff, Jamie L. Transformational Healing: Five Surprisingly Simple Keys Designed to Redirect Your Life Toward Wellness, Purpose, and Prosperity
Sampson, Freya. The Last Chance Library
Samson, Sandy. Red Dust and Bones
Samuel, Stuart. The Adventure of Thomas the Turtle
Sanchez, Jenny Torres. Death, Dickinson, and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia
Sanders, Ashley. Facing Demons
Sanders, D.B. and Dicksy Wilson. A Caterpillar, a Bee and a VERY Big Tree
Sankey, Erin. NaLee
Santos, Victor D.O. A Wild Day at the Zoo (Little Polyglot Adventures, Book 2)
Santos, Victor D.O. A Multicultural Picnic (Little Polyglot Adventures, Book 3)
Sapegin, A. Becoming the Dragon (The Dragon Inside, Book 1)
Sarasohn, David and Gregg Coodley. Taming Infection: The American Response to Illness from Smallpox to Covid
Sassaman, Ginny. Preaching Happiness: Creating a Just and Joyful World
Sattler, Jennifer. Bully
Sattler, Jennifer. One Red Sock
Sattler, Jennifer. Rock and Vole
Sattler, Jennifer. The Twelve Birdies of Christmas
Savage, Jeff. Adrian Peterson (Amazing Athletes)
Savage, Jeff. Brian Urlacher (Amazing Athletes)
Savage, Jeff. Chris Paul (Amazing Athletes)
Savage, Jeff. Danica Patrick (Amazing Athletes)
Savage, Jeff. Dwight Howard (Amazing Athletes)
Savage, Jeff. Maya Moore (Amazing Athletes)
Saxman, H. Alan Suzan. The Reluctant Psychic: A Memoir
Saxton, Mike. 7 Scorpions: Rebellion
Sayers, Rhema. Wind Out of Time
Schaefer, Lola M. Lifetime: The Amazing Numbers in Animal Lives
Schaertl, Jennifer. Gourmet Meals in Crappy Little Kitchens
Scharine, Richard. The Past We Step Into
Schaumer, Laura. Kita and the Magic Paint
Schecker, Tom and Barry Nelson. Mr. Ed: Dead: And Other Obituaries of the Most Famous People Who Never Lived
Scheff, Adam. Gingerbread Funnies
Schein, Lorraine. The Futurist’s Mistress: Poems by Lorraine Schein
Schertle, Alice. Little Blue Truck Leads the Way
Scheumann, Jessica S. The Rope That Ties Us
Schiff, Stacy. Cleopatra: A Life
Schmidt, Anna. Simple Faith: The Peacemakers Series, Book Two
Schmitt, Gerry. Little Girl Gone (An Afton Tangler Thriller)
Schmitt, Gerry. Shadow Girl (An Afton Tangler Thriller)
Schmidt, Heidi Jon. The Harbormaster's Daughter
Schmitt, Michel-yves. Your Pajamas are Showing! (Where's Leopold?)
Schneider, Andy and Brigid McCrea. The Chicken Whisperer's Guide to Keeping Chickens: Everything You Need to Know . . . and Didn't Know You Needed to Know About Backyard and Urban Chickens
Schneider, Steven Jay and Jonathan Penner. Horror Cinema
Schnur, Susan. Potatoes at Turtle Rock
Schochet, Stephen. Hollywood Stories: Short, Entertaining Anecdotes about the Stars and Legends of the Movies!
Schoenberger, Nancy and Sam Kashner. Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century
Schrader, Helena P. Cold Peace: A Novel of the Berlin Airlift, Part 1
Schrader, Helena P. Cold War: A Novel of the Berlin Airlift
Schrader, Helena P. Balian d'Ibelin: Knight of Jerusalem (Jerusalem Trilogy)
Schrader, Helena P. Defender of Jerusalem: A Biographical Novel of Balian D'Ibelin
Schrader, Helena P. Envoy of Jerusalem: A Biographical Novel of Balian d'Ibelin
Schrader, Helena P. Grounded Eagles: Three Tales of the RAF in WWII
Schrader, Helena P. Moral Fibre: A Bomber Pilot’s Story
Schrader, Helena P. The Last Crusader Kingdom: Dawn of a Dynasty in Twelfth-Century Cyprus
Schrader, Helena P. Rebels Against Tyranny: Civil War in the Crusader States
Schrader, Helena P. The Emperor Strikes Back: Frederick II’s War against his Vassals
Schrader, Helena P. Traitors for the Sake of Humanity: A Novel of the German Resistance to Hitler
Schrader, Helena P. Where Eagles Never Flew: A Battle of Britain Novel
Schram, Peninnah and Rachayl Eckstein Davis. The Apple Tree's Discover
Schroller, Elaine Aucoin. Dare Not Tell
Schultz, Harriet. A Legacy of Revenge (Legacy Series, Vol. 2)
Schur, Maxine Rose. Gullible Gus
Schurmann, Michale. Paris Movie Walks: Ten Guided Tours Through the City of Lights! Camera! Action!
Schwab, Eileen Clymer. Shadow of a Quarter Moon
Schwartz, George. Good Returns: Making Money by Morally Responsible Investing
Schwartz, Heather E. Outlaws, Gunslingers, and Thieves: Shockzone - Villains
Schweizer, Chris. Tricky Journeys 2: Tricky Rabbit Tales
Schweizer, Chris. Tricky Journeys 3: Tricky Fox Tales
Schweizer, Chris. Tricky Journeys 5: Tricky Spider Tales
Schwetje, Burkhard and Flavio Febbraro. How to Read World History in Art
Scillian, Devin. A Parliament of Owls
Scillian, Devin. Back Roads, Country Toads
Scillian, Devin. Memoirs of a Elf
Scillian, Devin. Memoirs of a Goldfish
Scillian, Devin. Memoirs of a Hamster
Scillian, Devin. Missile Toe: A Very Confused Christmas
Scolnik, Julie. Paris Blue: A Memoir of First Love
Scott, James A. The President's Dossier
Scott, Jennifer. The Hundred Gifts
Scott, Patrick. Unburied: The Loci of Power Series, Cycle I
Seaberg, Maureen. Tasting the Universe: People Who See Colors in Words and Rainbows in Symphonies
Sears, Harley. The Magic In Metaphor: Empowering Children Through Healing Stories
Secord, Dawn. No Ghoulish Green Monsters Here
Seder, Rufus Butler. Gallop!
Sedgwick, John and Thomas J. Foley. Most Wanted: Pursuing Whitey Bulger, the Murderous Mob Chief the FBI Secretly Protected
Sedia, Ekaterina. Willful Impropriety: 13 Tales of Society, Scandal, and Romance
Sefton, Maggie. Skein of the Crime: A Knitting Mystery
Sefton, Maggie. Unraveled: A Knitting Mystery
Sefton, Maggie. Close Knit Killer: A Knitting Mystery
Sefton, Maggie. Purl Up and Die: A Knitting Mystery
Segran, S.S. Aegis Rising
Seiler, Mark Daniel. River's Child
Seiler, Mark Daniel. Shave Ice Paradise
Seiler, R.J. The Engine of Survival (A Charlie Edmo Murder Mystery)
Sellon, Sue Ann. Secrets of the Porch
Semerau, Mona. Ranbir: A Seven-Year Old's Introduction to Higher Mathematics
Sen, Nandana Dev. Kangaroo Kisses
Service, Pamela F.. Camp Alien (Alien Agent)
Service, Pamela F. Alien Contact (Alien Agent)
Service, Pamela F. Alien Envoy (Alien Agent)
Service, Pamela F. The Not-So-Perfect Planet (Way-Too-Real Aliens)
Setterberg, Fred. Sam Maloof: 36 Views of a Master Woodworker
Sewell, Connie. "I'm So Hollywood" (Summer Saltz)
Seyler, Annie. The Wisdom of Winter
Shah, Debra. Blue Smoke Memoir
Shainman, Amy Byer. Resurrection Lily: The BRCA Gene, Hereditary Cancer & Lifesaving Whispers from the Grandmother I Never Knew
Shane, Trevor. Children of the Underground
Shaner, Bill. Unintended Consequences: Lessons from a Life Almost Lost
Shanks, Yolanda. Destined to Live, Despite Me: Biblical Truths for Suicide Survivors
Shapiro, Brett. Late in the Day
Shapiro, Eddie. Nothing Like A Dame: Conversations with the Great Women of Musical Theater
Shapiro, James. Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
Shapiro, Kim Herdman. The Raven's Cry: A Wynter Island Mystery
Shapiro, Kim Herdman. The Loon's Song: A Wynter Island Mystery
Sharratt, Mary. Daughters of the Witching Hill
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Shaw, Murray and M.J. Cosson. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Blue Gem (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Shaw, Murray and M.J. Cosson. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Speckled Band (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Shaw, Murray and M.J. Cosson. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Sussex Vampire (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Shaw, Murray and M.J. Cosson. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Copper Beeches (On the Case with Holmes and Watson)
Shaw, Stephanie. A Cookie for Santa
Shaw, Stephanie. Piece By Piece
Sheehan, Jacqueline. Lost and Found
Sheehan, Jacqueline. Now and Then
Sheets, Parris. Children of the Volcano (Essence of Ohr, Book 2)
Sheets, Parris. Beyond the Flame (Essence of Ohr, Book 3)
Shehorn, Bethany. Lysterium
Sheinis, Betty Abbott. Rhoda's Ocean
Sheinmel, Alyssa B. The Lucky Kind
Sheirer, John. Stumbling Through Adulthood: Linked Stories
Sheinmel, Alyssa B. The Stone Girl
Sheldon, Valetine D'arcy. The Christmas Tree Elf
Shelley, Martha. The Throne in the Heart of the Sea
Shep, J. After Me
Shep, J. The December Issue
Shepherd, Carrie F. Fall From Grace: The Scribing of Ishitar
Shepherd, Carrie F. Ashes to Ashes: The Scribing of Ishitar, Volume 2
Shepherd, Sherri. Permission Slips: Every Woman's Guide to Giving Herself a Break
Sherman, Janine and Rapini, Mary Jo. Start Talking – A Girl’s Guide for You and Your Mom, about Health, Sex, or Whatever
Shianna, Peter. Imperfect Acts
Shinn, Sharon. The Turning Season (A Shifting Circle Novel)
Shirar, Gerard. The Court-Martial of Charlie Newell
Shirar, Gerard. When the Rules Don't Apply
Shirriff, Charles W. Spirits of a Feather
Shirriff, Charles W. Souls of a Feather
Shirriff, Charles W. It’s Not Where You’re Going-It’s How You Get There: Autobiographical Stories
Shlian, Deborah and Linda Reid. Devil Wind
Shobeyri, Shobeir. Unlock Happiness By Mastering The Self
Shook, Patricia Hamilton. Seeking Glory: A Novel about Relationships, Loss, and Finding Your Way Home
Shoop, Kyle L. Acea and the Animal Kingdom
Shore, Diane, Z. This Is The Feast
Shreve, Anita. Stella Bain
Shukert, Rachel. Starstruck
Shure, Jill. A Clause for Murder
Sibilla, Guy. Boarding Passes to Faraway Places
Siddiq, Adam. Shackled: A Journey From Political Imprisonment to Freedom
Siddiqui, Umar. Weightless, Woven Words
Siddoway, Rachael and Sonja Wasden. An Impossible Life: The Inspiring True story of a Woman's Struggle from Within (The Impossible Series)
Siddoway, Rachael. An Impossible Wife: Why He Stayed: A True Story of Love, Marriage, and Mental Illness (The Impossible Series Book 2)
Sidman, Joyce. Ubiquitous
Sierhuis, Marjan. The Dog Stays: And Other Stories
Silberman, Shoshana. A Family Haggadah II (Passover)
Silva, Daniel. The Fallen Angel
Silver, Alain. Katherine Hepburn
Silvey, Craig. Jasper Jones
Silverberry, A.R. Wyndano's Cloak
Silverman, Buffy. Can An Old Dog Learn New Tricks?: And Other Questions about Animals
Silverman, Buffy. Can You Tell a Cricket from a Grasshopper?
Silverman, Buffy. Can You Tell a Horse from a Pony?
Silverman, Buffy. Can You Tell an Ostrich from an Emu?
Silverman, Buffy. Hair Traits: Color, Texture, and More: What Traits are in Your Genes?
Silverman, Stuart Jay. Drifters
Silverthorne, Angela Beach and Tia Silverthorne Bach. Depression Cookies
Simner, Janni Lee. Faerie Winter
Simon, Charnan. Dance Team: Surviving Southside
Simon, Charnan. Shattered Star
Simon, Clea. Kittens Can Kill: A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir
Simon, Clea. Panthers Play for Keeps: A Pru Marlowe Pet Mystery
Simon, Clea. When Bunnies Go Bad: A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir
Simon, Sabrina. Violet
Simone, Maggie Lamond. From Beer to Maternity
Simpson, Lesley. Yuvi’s Candy Tree
Sims, Ruth. Counterpoint: Dylan’s Story
Sinclair, Elizabeth. Hawk's Mountain
Singerton, Ron. A Cherry Blossom in Winter
Singleton, Debbie. The King Who Wouldn't Sleep
Sirvaitis, Karen. The European American Experience (USA Today Cultural Mosaic)
Sisters, The. Just Time for a Quickie
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Skelton, Denise. Until Now
Skiff, Jennifer. Rescuing Ladybugs: Inspirational Encounters with Animals That Changed the World
Skinner, Cara. General Houston's Little Spy
Skinner, Ryan. Sidikiba's Kora Lesson
Skofield, James. Bear and Bird
Sky, John. King of Nord & The End of All Religions & Peace and Security on Earth
Slade, Arthur. Empire of Ruins: The Hunchback Assignments #3
Slade, Arthur. Island of Doom: The Hunchback Assignments #4
Slade, Suzanne. The Great Divide
Slade, Suzanne. Multiply on the Fly
Slade, Suzanne. What’s the Difference? An Endangered Animal Subtraction Story
Slaven, Marissa. Code Blue
Slimani, Leila. Watch Us Dance: A Novel
Slota, Rhonda Harris. By Fire
Slusher, Jonathan. Water Landing
Smelcer, John E. The Great Death
Smibert, Angie. The Meme Plague: Memento Nora Series - Book III
Smith, Anne Easter. Royal Mistress
Smith, Bruce. Legend Keepers: The Partnership
Smith, Kerry Copeland. The Boogie Trapp
Smith, Kimberley. Knowing: A Spiritual Medium's Work with the Dead and the Living
Smith, Lori. Jane Austen’s Guide to Life: Thoughtful Lessons for the Modern Woman
Smith, Marie T. Microwave Cooking for One
Smith, Noah William. 2024...Your Year of More: Plan Your Goals and Invest Your Efforts
Smith, Owen & Anne. Safari Survivor 21: Twisted Journeys
Smith, R.M. An Alphabet in Space
Smith, R.M. Animals Feeling Like Us
Smith, R.M. Geography Alphabet: An Introduction to Earth’s Features for Kids
Smith, R.M. Peep in the Deep: Sea Creature Counting Book
Smith, Simon. Looking For A Weegie To Love: One Man, One App, One Goal
Smith, Sylvia Dickey. Original Cyn
Smith, Thomas. The Search for King: A Fable
Smith van Frankehuyzen, Robbyn. I Love You Just Enough
Smokler, Jill. Confessions of a Scary Mommy: An Honest and Irreverent Look at Motherhood: The Good, The Bad, and the Scary
Smulders, Stef. Living in Italy: The Real Deal – How to Survive the Good Life
Sneed, Dani and Doris Fisher. My Half Day
Snicket, Lemony. The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming: a Christmas Story
Snitz, Mel. The Price for Glory
Snowden, Brian F. On the Precipice of the Labyrinth
Snyder, Laurel. Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova
Snyder, Michelle Paula. The Lost Mermaid (A Tale of Three Kingdoms - Volume 2)
Snyder, Steve. Shot Down: The true story of pilot Howard Snyder and the crew of the B-17 Susan Ruth
Sofayov, Susan. Jerusalem Stone
Solari, Rose. A Secret Woman
Soleil, Grendolyn Peach. The Mermaids Melt at Dawn
Soliven, Marivi. The Mango Bride
Solomon, Anna. The Little Bride
Solomon, Diane. Eva: A Riveting Romantic Suspense with a Supernatural Twist
Solon, Geraldine. Authorpreneur in Pajamas: Building Your Author's Platform Without Leaving Your Home
Solstice, Sarah and Erika Flint. Academy of Eternity: Unlock the Full Potential of Your Heart-Mind, Now and Forever
Somers, Jeff. We Are Not Good People: Ustari Cycle series
Sommer, Cindy. Saving Kate's Flowers
Sonenklar, Carol. Anorexia and Bulimia (USA Today Health Reports: Diseases and Disorders)
Song, Paris. Modern Dealership: A Blueprint for the Dealership of Tomorrow
Song, Tamarack. Becoming Nature: Learning the Language of Wild Animals and Plants
Sonneborn, Liz. The American Indian Experience (USA Today Cultural Mosaic)
Soplop, Julia. Equus Rising: How the Horse Shaped U.S. History
Sorkin, Nicole. Miracles Among Us: A Collection of True Miracle Stories
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Sotto, Jeffrey. The Moonballers: A Novel about The Invasion of a LGBTQ2+ Tennis Straight People (GAY GASP!)
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Soup, Cuthbert. Another Whole Nother Story
Spagna, Ana Maria. 100 Skills You'll Need for the End of the World (as We Know It)
Spangler, Lois. The Fort on Fourth Street: A Story about the Six Simple Machines
Sparkes, Ali. Grasshopper Glitch (S.W.I.T.C.H.)
Sparkes, Ali. Spider Stampede (S.W.I.T.C.H.)
Spaulding, Sparrow. Riding Standing Up
Spearman, John J. FitzDuncan's Fortune (The FitzDuncan Series Book 4)
Spearman, John J. FitzDuncan's Gambit (The FitzDuncan Series Book 5)
Specht, Katie. Henry's New Glasses
Specht, Katie. Joseph Learns About Listening
Spencer, Larry. Material Things: The Untold Story of a Young Entrepreneur Who Made a Killing in the Jeans Business
Spencer-Jones, Rae. 1001 Gardens You Must See Before You Die
Sperring, Mark. The Sunflower Sword
Spielman, Gloria. Marcel Marceau: Master of Mime
Spignesi, Stephen. The Titanic for Dummies
Spinelli, Eileen. Busy, Busy!
Spivak, Mark. Forger: A Psychological Thriller
St. Onge, Caissie. Jane Jones: Worst. Vampire. Ever.
Staab, Rochelle. Bruja Brouhaha: A Mind for Murder Mystery
Staab, Rochelle. Hex on the Ex: A Mind for Murder Mystery
Stall, Sam and Kevin David Anderson. Night of the Living Trekkies
Stampler, Ann Redisch. The Cats on Ben Yehuda Street
Standiford, Les. Bringing Adam Home: The Abduction That Changed America
Stanek, Linda. Night Creepers
Stanley, Dick. Leaving the Alamo: Texas Stories After Vietnam
Stanley, John P. Mickey Price: Journey to Oblivion
Stauder, Lisa. Imprint
Staudohar, Paul. Baseball's Best Short Stories: Sporting's Best Short Stories series
Stearns, Maureen. Multiply and Divide with Sticks and Steps: Teach This Easy Method in Just Five Minutes
Steding, Sarah. A Diet to Die For
Steel, Carolyn. Soda Springs
Steel, Danielle. Bungalow 2
Stein, David Ezra. Interrupting Chicken
Stein, Joel Edward. A Hanukkah with Mazel
Steinke, Ralph R. "Rick." Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat
Stenesh, Jochanan. A World At Risk
Stengel, Joyce. St. Patrick and the Three Blind Mice
Stepakoff, Jeffrey. Fireworks over Toccoa
Stepakoff, Jeffrey. The Orchard
Stephens, Dawn. The Little Pot
Stephens, Jeffrey S. Targets of Opportunity
Stephens, Jeffrey S. Targets of Revenge
Stephens, John. The Fire Chronicle: Book II of the Books of Beginning Trilogy
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Sterling, Kristen. Gray Everywhere
Sterling, Kristen. Pink Everywhere
Sterling, Kristen. Purple Everywhere
Stern, Jeffrey E. The Last Thousand: One School's Promise in a Nation at War
Stern Judith and Sandra F. Rief. The Dyslexia Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers
Stevens, Taylor. The Informationist
Stevenson, Deborah. An Armadillo On My Pillow
Stevenson, Deborah. Connecting the Stars
Stevenson, Deborah. Marvin's Little Mermaid
Stevenson, Deborah. Oy, Elephants!
Stevenson, Deborah. Pugs Wearing Parkas
Stevenson, Deborah. Soaring Soren: When French Bulldogs Fly
Stevenson, Deborah. The Green Woolen Fedora
Stevenson, Deborah. The Last Rhino
Stevenson, Deborah. Who's First?: Chicken and Egg Book 1
Stevenson, Deborah. Why Did Chicken Cross the Road? Chicken and Egg Book 2
Stevenson, Deborah. Do Chickens Have Lips? Chicken and Egg Book 3
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Stewart, Mariah. The Chesapeake Bride
Stewart, Mark and Mike Kennedy. SCORE!: The Action and Artistry of Hockey’s Magnificent Moment (Spectacular Sports)
Stewart, Mark and Mike Kennedy. Goal! The Fire and Fury of Soccer's Greatest Moment (Spectacular Sports)
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Stim, Richard. Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business
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Stockland, Patricia M. and Nicole Brecke. Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures You Can Draw (Ready, Set, Draw!)
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Stoker, Dacre and Ian Holt. Dracula: The Un-Dead
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Stone, Joseph. The Wolf Esprit: The Lykanos Chronicles, Book Three
Stopler, Tracy. The Ropes That Bind: Based on a True Story of Child Sexual Abuse
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Storad, Conrad J. Story Monster and Friends: Creatures to Color from Five Star Land
Storr, Will. The Hunger and the Howling of Killian Lone
Storrie, Paul D. Peril at Summerland Park (Twisted Journeys)
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Stover, Carol June. Surviving 26th Street
Strahan, Jonathan. Under My Hat: Tales From the Cauldron
Stratford, Sarah-Jane. Radio Girls
Stratton, Trae. To Have and To Hold
Strauss, Alix. Based Upon Availability
Strong, Judy. A Child's Grief: Surviving the Death of a Parent
Strong, Robin. The Garden
Strother, A.H. Cameron. Cheers to Life: True to Myself
Strout, Meridith Taylor. The More the Merrier
Strumwasser, Stu. The Organ Broker
Strykowski, Marcia. Amy's Choice
Strykowski, Marcia. Call Me Amy
Stuart, Charlotte. In$urance to Die For
Stuckart, Diane A.S. Fool’s Moon (A Tarot Cats Mystery)
Stuever, Hank. Tinsel: A Search for America’s Christmas Present
Stutson, Caroline. Blue Corn Soup
Suisman, Charlie. Arnold Falls (Arnold Falls Book 1)
Suisman, Charlie. Hot Air (Arnold Falls Book 2)
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Sullivan, Dana. Kay Kay's Alphabet Safari
Sullivan, George. Tom Thumb: The Remarkable True Story of a Man in Miniature
Sullivan, Kate. On Linden Square
Sullivan, Kimberly. Drink Wine and Be Beautiful: Short Stories
Sullivan, Kimberly. Easter at the Three Coins Inn
Sullivan, Kimberly. In the Shadow of The Apennines
Sullivan, Kimberly. Rome's Last Noble Palace
Sullivan, Nancy and Eddie. A Wish For A Christmas Fish: Secret Adventures Of The North Pole
Sullivan, Nancy and Eddie. Secret Adventures of the North Pole: Magic in the Frosty Air
Sullivan, Tom. Alive Day
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Sunderland, Christine. Pilgrimage
Sunderland, Christine. Offerings
Sunderland, Christine. Inheritance
Sunderland, Christine. The Magdalene Mystery
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Sussman, Fiona. Another Woman's Daughter
Sutaria, Kalpana. Cooling our Environment: An Architect's Vision to Combat Global Warming
Sutherland, Adam. Body Decoration (On the Radar: Street Style)
Sutherland, Adam. Police Forensics (On the Radar: Defend and Protect)
Sutherland, Adam. Undercover Operations (On the Radar: Defend and Protect)
Sutherland, Adam. Being a Model (On the Radar: Awesome Jobs)
Sutton, Jane. Esther's Hanukkah Disaster
Sutton, Margaret. The Vanishing Shadow: A Judy Bolton Mystery
Sutton, Maria. The Night Sky: A Journey From Dachau to Denver and Back
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Swank, Joshua. Barry the Brave: A Flowerageous Journey to Courage
Swanson, Denise. Murder of the Cat's Meow: A Scumble River Mystery
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Sweeney, Leann. The Cat, the Lady and the Liar: A Cats in Trouble Mystery
Sweeney, Leann. The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon: A Cats in Trouble Mystery
Sweeney, Leann. The Cat, the Mill and the Murder: A Cats in Trouble Mystery
Swerling, Beverly. Bristol House
Swindle, Renee. A Pinch of Ooh La La
Swinney, Geoff. Fish Facts
Sylvester, G. Through The Looking Glass
Szabo, Julie and Darren Barefoot. Friends with Benefits: A Social Media Marketing Handbook
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Tabares, Veronica R. Behold the Eye: Cerulea
Tabares, Veronica R. Behold the Eye: Viridia
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Tabares, Veronica R. Gray Zone
Tabares, Veronica R. Time Without
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Talty, Stephan. The Black Hand: The Epic War Between a Brilliant Detective and the Deadliest Secret Society in American History
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Tapert, Rob. Spartacus: Blood and Sand, The Complete First Season
Tapley, Alan. Confessions of a Househusband
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Taylor, J.D. Hair Goes History: How Hair Enhancement Has Shaped the Arc and Trembling Hand of History
Taylor, Miki. Bentley's Fantabulous Idea
Taylor, Patrick. An Irish Country Girl
Taylor, Rod. The Count
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Templeman, McCormick. The Little Woods
Tenera, J.T. Erift's Journeys: Secrets of The Sealed Forest
Terry, Lynn. Tails From the Booth
Terry, Mark. The Valley of Shadows
Terwilliger, Kelly. Barnyard Purim
Tesh, Jane. Butterfly Waltz
Tesh, Jane. Just You Wait: A Grace Street Mystery
Tesh, Jane. Mixed Signals: A Grace Street Mystery
Tesh, Jane. Now You See It: A Grace Street Mystery
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Thalmann, Maureen. Petticoat Surgeon: The Extraordinary Life of Dr. Bertha Van Hoosen
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Thanjan, Davis K. International Affairs
Tharlet, Eve and Brigitte Luciani. Peace and Quiet (Mr. Badger and Mrs. Fox #4)
Tharp, B.D. Feisty Family Values
Thielbar, Melinda.The Ancient Formula: A Mystery with Fractions
Thoenes, Christof, Frank Zollner and Thomas Poepper. Michelangelo: Life & Work
Thomas, Janet. Noah Buddies: The Story
Thomas, Marin. The Promise of Forgiveness
Thomas, Marin. The Future She Left Behind
Thomas, Marlo. Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny
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Thompson, Hayden. Marvelous Days
Thompson, Larry E. White Witch
Thompson, Tolya L. Fabulous Me, Piper Lee And The Peanut Butter Itch
Thomsen, Hannah and Ed. Hannah Reborn: Maturing and Healing the Soul Beyond Organized Religion
Thornton, Robert. The Curse: A Hope Allerd Novel
Thornton, Stephanie Marie. A Most Clever Girl: A Novel of an American Spy
Thye, Keith. Danish Connection: The Dansgaard Family Saga
Thye, Keith. The Misadventures of Rusty Kenneficke (The Rusty Kenneficke Trilogy Book 1)
Thye, Keith. The Further Life of Rusty Kenneficke (The Rusty Kenneficke Trilogy Book 2)
Thye, Keith. Rusty Kenneficke's 3rd Quarter (The Rusty Kenneficke Trilogy Book3)
Thye, Keith. Randy & Ron & Cindi & Zeke
Tibballs, Geoff. Ripley's Believe It or Not: Seeing Is Believing
Tibballs, Geoff. Ripley's Believe It or Not: Strikingly True
Tiber, Elliot. Palm Trees on the Hudson: The True Story of the Mob, Judy Garland, and Interior Decorating
Tichelaar, Tyler R., Volkman, Victor R., Watson, Irene Authors Access: 30 Success Secrets for Authors and Publishers
Tienter, David. Playing With Fire
Todd, Walter and Loki Monroe. My Pack: Burney the Hollywood Puppy
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Tolkien, Simon. Orders From Berlin
Toman, Shane M. Supplant
Tomeo, Vincent J. The Usefulness of Hippopotamus: A Humorous Chapbook for Trying Times
Tomkies, Debbie. Complete Knitting Skills
Tomlinson, Max. Vanishing in the Haight (A Colleen Hayes Mystery)
Toronto, Suzy. Light & Laughter Coloring Book
Tougias, Michael. Claws
Towles, Lisa. Specimen
Towner, David. Robbie Larson's Legendary Snow Day
Towner, David. The Spectacular Life of Benito Martin del Canto
Townsend, Kari Lee. Corpse in the Crystal Ball: A Fortune Teller Mystery
Townsend, Kari Lee. Trouble in the Tarot: A Fortune Teller Mystery
Tracy, Bruce. Backyard Dutch Oven Cooking
Trader, Nakia. What Do I Do Now?: Building a Solid Christian Foundation
Traikovich, George. Crypto-Punk
Trapani, Iza. Old MacDonald Had a...Zoo?
Travis, Dempsey. An Autobiography of Black Chicago
Treadgold, Cat. The Silent Woodsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 1)
Treadgold, Cat. The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 2)
Treadgold, Cat. The Magic Man (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 3)
Treadgold, Cat. The Changed Man (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 4)
Treadgold, Cat. The Fallen Man (The Olympic Peninsula Series, Book 5)
Trevor D. I Am Me
Tricci, Pablo. Don't Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It
Tripp, Ben. The Fifth House of the Heart
Tritt, Adam Byrn. Bud the Spud
Trout, Nick. Ever By My Side: A Memoir in Eight [Acts] Pets
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Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zvonkovic, Mark. A Lion in the Grass
Zvonkovic, Mark. When Mermaids Sing
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