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He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know

He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know

By: Jessica Valenti
Publisher: Seal Press
Publication Date: May 2008
ISBN: 978-1580052450
Reviewed by: Eileen Troemel
Review Date: May 7, 2010

This book should be required reading for everybody - female AND male.  Valenti uses humor to discuss societal double standards that every woman deals with. From sexual double standards to gender roles, Valenti discusses in short essays the societal morales that men and women are held to.

While Valenti uses humor to discuss these topics, she also offers a serious discussion on these standards. When she is discussing serious topics, she provides an insightful and well rounded look at the way our society works. She references historical, legal, and current information to outline her premises.

Her writing style is very easy to read. The format is such that you could pick up and read one or a few of the standards quickly or sit down and read the entire book. Her tone and attitude in these essays is very down to earth. The reader feels like she/he is listening to a friend discussing her point of view on these topics. The author's language is colorful and she uses expletives but they are used in an appropriate manner that fits the discussion without being offensive (unless you are extremely sensitive about colorful language).

He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut is a feminist book but Valenti doesn’t take a man hating extremist attitude towards the topics. Instead, she addresses the issues without placing blame. She does point out the inequities in our society but doesn’t trash men in the process. So she can appeal to all women including those who are in relationships with men or raising boys.

This book would be a good book for a discussion group as it is a great starting point for a lesson in feminism. Each essay offers a brief look at a topic that could be expanded with other resources. At the end of each essay Valenti offers a “So.. What to do?” section. In these sections she offers different options for people to follow in order to change our society.

Valenti’s essays with quip-like titles quickly outline the double standards. These offer short vignettes of our society. From a woman being whistled at on the street to a lack of political power, nothing is off-limits to Valenti. These essays use a magnifying glass to examine society and the standards within our society. Valenti uses humor, sarcasm, and intelligence to focus our attention on these double standards so the reader can better understand the morals prevalent in our civilization.

Quill says: This is a quick and easy read that will help the reader become more socially aware.

Feathered Quill

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