The Fourth Wall

The Fourth Wall

By: Scott Petty
Publisher: Atmosphere Press
Publication Date: January 2021
ISBN: 978-1639881178
Reviewed By: Amy Lignor
Review Date: December 13, 2021

When you’re a diehard reader like myself, the wish you have is for 2022 to be filled with new authors, great sequels, fresh trilogies, distinctive voices – both old and new – providing an endless supply of awesome books to read. So, with that in mind: How do you close out a year and start a new one off right? Be lucky enough to work for a company that delivers to you an advanced copy of this fantastic book you literally can’t put down! Now, if you do not work for one of these companies, no worries, just make sure to buy this book as fast as possible.

Not only does the synopsis hit you right between the eyes, but you break open this cover and immediately start walking the frightening path that main character, U.S. Army Reservist Captain Thomas Jett, walks while he meets up with demons, a witch who knows a thing or two, and mass murderers…just to name a few vivid, colorful characters the author adds to this unable-to-put-down story.

The journey begins on a cargo plane where a member of the U.S. Air Force grins and jokes about heading to Afghanistan; the man is one who speaks loudly and, apparently, likes to hear himself talk. One of his superiors, although the airman doesn’t see it that way, wears the uniform of the Army, and is a man who’s thinking of home and not what the future holds. This man is Captain Jett, who left home for an adventure. He was a lawyer in Houston at the time he was “chosen” by others to serve. He was needed for a strange mission and was called upon because he had a background in everything from law to archaeology to, oddly enough, the occult. These skills, and others, will be needed in order to carry out his specific orders.

During his last night in the States, at Ft. Benning, Georgia, the captain had crossed paths with a witch by the name of Lady Mist. This woman took out her tarot cards and began a reading. But after turning the cards over, one by one, the witch looked at the man in a whole new light. She had gone from friendly to frightened, and asked Jett, when he returned from his mission, to come back and see her; she desperately wanted to know that her belief for his future and the monsters that lay ahead turned out to be wrong. After pocketing one of her infamous cards, he leaves her establishment as well as Georgia. And when Jett finally lands in Kandahar, he eyes the Black Hawks sitting on the Alamo-type landscape and gets ready to play a game; a game that will include his own personal invention: The Fourth Wall.

Oh, there is so much this reviewer wants to reveal here, people. But I must stay silent in order to not ruin the intricacies off this story; the amazing, surreal plotlines that include an investigation into a mass murder; as well as a compelling cast that encompasses a myriad of both the good, the bad, and things that go bump in the night that Captain Jett has experienced many times before. From real war to paranormal elements, this author (a veteran of the War in Afghanistan) has taken his background, his personal experiences, and his imagination—combined them with determination and passion to create this book—and hit it out of the proverbial ballpark!

Quill says: If 2022 books are anything like this, readers everywhere are in for a very Happy New Year!

For more information on The Fourth Wall, please visit the author's website at:

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