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Jesus: God, Man or Party Label? The Dead Sea Scrolls’ Messiah Code

Jesus: God, Man or Party Label? The Dead Sea Scrolls’ Messiah Code

By: Chris Albert Wells
Publisher: Eloquent Books
Publication Date: June 2010
ISBN: 978-1-60860-946-8 
Reviewed by: Amy Lignor 
Review Date: April 12, 2011

In 1947, The Dead Sea Scrolls were found at the amazing location of Qumran. Ever since this discovery was made, scholars have (and will continue to) debate the Scrolls and the tremendous effects that this information has on various religions and religious theories. Among other data, The Scrolls unleashed the idea that there were actually two saviors once upon a time, and that one single idea has changed the way some look at the development of Christianity, and Christianity’s beloved “Son.”

In this interesting book Mr. Wells has brought to the forefront many facts. Although these particular facts have ‘seen the light of day’ previously, Mr. Wells not only presents his ideas, but presents them in a ‘new’ way. The overview of this ‘personal quest’ is the idea that the original roots of Christianity came from the ‘Essene Dead Sea Community;’ a group of Jewish people who separated from Jerusalem. They believed (and the Scrolls confirm their belief) in the fact that there were two Messiah’s - two Teachers - and they awaited their return.

As everyone is already aware, the Gospels that follow Jesus were written a full generation after the events had taken place. Delving into the data found at Qumran, Mr. Wells offers information on what the original Gospels of this dissident sect - the Antioch Gospels - actually stated. He delivers his case step by step, discussing how the Essene Community’s beliefs were used as a type of ‘blank canvas’ for the creation of Christianity.

As Mr. Wells provides his ‘journey’ to the reader, he explains his conclusions by using many facets of the political and religious background of the Levantine world, including in-depth history of the ‘beginnings’ of religion. In a compilation of well-researched chapters, readers are taken into The Holy City; they are introduced to the ideas and political aspirations of the Roman Republic; and even get a look at the steps taken by everyone from General Pompey to King Antiochus. He offers evidence on what some claim were the ‘literary creations’ of John the Baptist and Jesus, by St. Mark around AD 75. Spotlighting Mark, the Evangelist’s theories, Mr. Wells also offers a ‘conversation’ between himself and an angel to better clarify his questions and answers. He also takes the reader's hand as he follows the Gospels journey westward in the hands of St. Paul.

The presentation of Mr. Wells’ look at The Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as the ‘paths’ he took to deliver his findings and offer his conclusions, make this a book worth reading. It is always nice - not to mention, extremely important - to see people who still have the passion to ask questions and seek answers in the field of religion. But, as far as Mr. Wells’ opinions are concerned, the belief or disbelief of his statements is, of course, up to the reader.

Quill Says: An appealing read by an author who has put his heart and soul into a ‘work’ that is both extremely educational and historically interesting.

For more information on Jesus: God, Man or Party Label? The Dead Sea Scrolls’ Messiah Code, please visit the author's website at:

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