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We All Want To Be Happy: A Book of Thoughts

We All Want To Be Happy: A Book of Thoughts

By: Ann Mullen-Martin
Publisher: Annmuma Publishing
Publication Date: October 15, 2024
ISBN: 979-8991464406
Reviewed by: Diana Coyle
Review Date: October 7, 2024

In We All Want To Be Happy: A Book of Thoughts by Ann Mullen-Martin, the author shares many stories with her readers and in the process offers inspiration to how she worked through a particular situation. In offering her thoughts, it leaves the readers with plenty to contemplate and the possibilities for them to apply these same ideas in their lives.

Although Mullen-Martin holds no degrees in psychology or psychiatry, she aspires to share life pointers with everyone and hopes in doing so they, too, will experience the happiness she continually experiences in her own life.

This reviewer found this book truly motivational and enjoyed reading the author’s stories and inspirations in how she dealt with particular circumstances. There were a few pointers worth mentioning and the first one that resonated truly with me was that no one else can make you happy. Happiness must come from within, or else it does not come at all. These are words that readers can relate to and hopefully they can allow the words to sink in and apply to themselves. They should actively take part in making happiness their own responsibility, without projecting the responsibility onto others around them. If you want to be happy, take charge and do it for yourself. You’re so worth it!

Another pointer to discuss was how when the author was younger, she found herself sad at one point. Her mother told her to write down a list of everything that made her happy. Once the list was completed, they discussed each item on the list. Although this was something she did as a child, this reviewer loved the idea and wanted to share it with readers. Why not make a list from time to time of the things that make you happy no matter what age you might be at the time? This is a wonderful idea that everyone can do to reassess your life and by using your list, you can see how many things bring you happiness. If it’s not on your list already, well then that’s the perfect opportunity to take action and get it on your happiness list.

An additional inspiration Mullen-Martin wrote was that everyone has dreams of tomorrow, no matter how big or small they might be, but we shouldn’t forget that today is someday. There’s no time like the present to start fulfilling a few smaller dreams that might be easily achievable for you to enjoy here and now. It’s wonderful having long term dreams, but don’t lose sight of smaller ones which can make you happy in your present moment.

Quill says: We All Want To Be Happy by Ann Mullen-Martin is one book that readers should not miss because the motivations and inspirations offered within these pages will help you invest in yourself. There’s no time like the present to start on your journey of self- happiness.

For more information on We All Want To Be Happy, please visit the author’s website at:

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