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The Bronze Door

The Bronze Door

By: Karin Ciholas
Publisher: Atmosphere Press
Publication Date: August 6, 2024
ISBN: 979-8891323391
Reviewed by: Kathy Stickles
Review Date: September 30, 2024

About two years ago I reviewed The Lighthouse, which was book one in The Cyrenian Trilogy, and it was one of the most riveting, well-written novels that I have had the privilege to read. Since then, I have been waiting very anxiously for the second book in the series and finally, it is here. I sat down and read the story in one day and I can honestly say that Karin Ciholas has outdone herself with this second book in the series, The Bronze Door. These books are historical fiction at its absolute best and should not be missed by any fan of the genre.

In The Bronze Door, all of our favorite characters are back. Simon is, as always, fighting for the Jews against the Roman Empire but with a new twist as his wife, Aurelia, and his children begin to drift toward Christianity. This new religion is just beginning and so many are fascinated by it, although Simon sees it as a danger to his family. Caligula, the new Emperor of Rome, is still trying to get revenge on Simon and his family for defying him in the previous book and decides to make Aurelia’s brother Valerius the governor of Syria. After he appoints him, Caligula sends Valerius and his troops to Jerusalem where he wants a statue of himself put into the temple as he feels he should be the God that everyone worships. If Valerius does as he is being ordered to do the result would be the death of thousands of Jewish people who refuse to follow Caligula and do not want their temple destroyed by his image. If Valerius refuses the emperor’s order then it will mean the death of him and his entire family. While not a member of the Jewish faith and therefore not a person who can really understand it, Valerius does know that following Caligula’s orders will bring about huge devastation and death, which is what he wants to avoid at all costs in order to save the lives of thousands, as well as those that he loves the most.

The Bronze Door is a story of faith and bravery and, above all else, love, which is set in a time period in history that was full of many cruel people and horrifying beliefs. Every character in this story, whether a fictional or a real one, is written with such depth and every one of them is someone you believe in and really care about. The characters are each struggling with so many different things at one time, such as their personal religious beliefs and a wicked and insane leader, and their choices really do come down to what matters the most: the life of one or the lives of many.

Karin Ciholas is a fabulous writer. This series is so well-researched and the time period and locations just leap out from the pages of the novel. There is so much history included in the story and it is explained flawlessly and in an interesting and attention-grabbing manner that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you read. While you could certainly read The Bronze Door on its own, I think you would be doing yourself and the author a large injustice to not read the stories in order. To follow the story from the beginning just makes it even better, if that is even possible.

I really do not have the words to do justice to The Bronze Door or to Karin Ciholas’ extraordinary writing. I highly recommend this book and this series to any historical fiction fan out there. To say I am excited about the next book in the series would be a huge understatement. This is a definitely a must-read. Do not miss it!

Quill says: Historical fiction can be a genre that is often over-the-top in terms of the fiction aspect as well as the combination of the history and fiction. With The Bronze Door, Karin Ciholas has proved that she is a master of the genre, combining the facts with the fiction in a seamless and mesmerizing way that will thrill any reader.

For more information on The Bronze Door, please visit the author's website at:

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