By: Jill Zabkar Martin
Illustrated by: Kirsten Gaede Van Mourick
Publisher: JZM Media
Publication Date: June 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9843946-0-9
Reviewed by: Amy Lignor
Review Date: November 24, 2011
It is always a true breath of fresh air for any reader to find a “traditional board book” in the ridiculous saturation of digital media, vampire novels, etc. that seem to be everywhere right now. Simply by picking up this book, Moms and Dads are taken back to a time when it was truly fun to read to their children. The laughter that the child has and the brightness in their eyes is unmistakable.
Froggy Boots Go With Everything is one of those sturdy board books that is yet another celebration of life. In this fantastic little story, a boy has found his “security blanket” in a way. And that security, freedom, and happiness comes from his true love of his ‘froggy boots.’ These are worn by him during every fun and exciting experience he has while he’s young. From activities with his best friend to enjoying the outside world - his froggy boots make those memories - and the memories of these froggy boots will stay with this boy as he turns into a young man and then heads out into his adult life. The froggy boots stand for independence, fun, freedom, and represent the best life has to offer for this young man. In addition, the illustrations are absolutely adorable. Not only that, but the illustrator has made sure to include a little froggy by the young man’s side who also has fun, no matter what the activity or situation is at the time.
This is a book of pure fun, and a book that parents are truly missing out on in the industry right now. When you pick up a book like this, it’s as if you are back in your bedroom with Mom and/or Dad sitting there reading you a story - then laughing about memories they had when they were ‘your’ age. Board books are a ‘bonding’ experience, which is a one-of-a-kind, treasured moment for every family.
All readers will be extremely smart to go out and get the Froggy Boots (as well as the next in the series about ladybug boots). Memories, good times, love, happiness - THESE are the true gifts that come from reading!
Quill Says: Froggy inspires what is precious and blessed about reading with your children!
Article first published as Book Review: Froggy Boots Go With Everything by Jill Zabkar Martin on Blogcritics.
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