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Don’t Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It

Don't Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It

By: Pablo Tricci
Publication Date: August 7, 2024
ISBN: 979-8334414259
Reviewed by: Diana Coyle
Review Date: September 23, 2024

In Don’t Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It by Pablo Tricci, he explains to his readers that the average life expectancy in the world is 72 years. Imagine though at the end of your life, instead of looking back on your life full of personal achievements and self-respect, you have many regrets because you didn’t invest in yourself with self-love and care. Or that you didn’t achieve enough personal goals you had hoped to in your lifetime? Our decisions made today are all hinged on things that happened to us in the past. If you had the knowledge and resources presented to you, wouldn’t you want to make positive changes in your life now before it’s too late and you’re filled with regrets?

Tricci has presented his readers with a book of knowledge in which he offers suggestions everyone can adopt presently in their lives that will pay ten-fold in having a life filled with love, self-care and respect for yourself. He has given his readers 20 keys to success in helping them achieve personal goals in which they will feel fulfilled and will allow them to have no regrets when their ending time on earth is near.

From the first page, this book pulls the readers in and holds their attention until the very last page. What reader wouldn’t want to take a little time out of every day, no matter how busy you might be, to offer yourself some self-love and care? Tricci mentions that if you truly want to love yourself, you’ll find even just a few minutes a day to care for yourself. Small daily tasks will help you reap endless positive rewards later on.

The author has presented 20 keys to his readers which offer food for thought on each topic discussed. Such topics of discussion that really stand out are: 1) Optimism; 2) Taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions; 3) Gratitude; and 4) The power of writing.

The first key is optimism, which is a person’s perception of how they live a certain moment and whether they either see things in an optimistic or a pessimistic way. When you feel good, you radiate positive energy which in turn, helps you to see the optimistic side of things.

Another key offered is that each one of us should take responsibility for our thoughts and actions. In taking responsibility for what we think about and how we think about it, we are taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. It is up to you to think about a specific thought and decide to totally discard it because it will only waste your time and won’t help you to move forward in achieving your goals no matter how small or big they might be.

Still another key offered is one of gratitude. The more grateful we are, the more good that will come our way. We should be grateful daily for all that is around us. One thing we should be grateful for first is that we were given our senses to enjoy all that surrounds us.

One last key to mention is the power of writing. When we write down our life purpose, it helps us discover what we really want, helps motivate us to achieve it, and allows us to decide the plan of action of how we should get there. Writing also helps us keep special memories alive so we can cherish them over and over again.

Quill says: Don’t Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It by Pablo Tricci is one book that has something for everyone to take away and apply to their own life. It’s a feel-good motivational book that comes highly recommended!

To learn more about Don't Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It, please visit the author’s website at:

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