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Author Interview: Nakia Trader

Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Lily Andrews is talking with Nakia Trader, author of What Do I Do Now?: Building a Solid Christian Foundation.

FQ: Matters to do with faith and spirituality have been discussed deftly in this book. What inspired you to dive so deep into such thoughtful issues?

TRADER: This book was birthed when my friend (and now ministry partner) first gave her heart to the Lord and decided to become a Christian. She had many questions about what she should be doing now that she is a Christian. Many questions (if not all) I had myself in my early walk with the Lord. On my personal journey, many of these questions were not answered initially which caused my faith to falter at times, ultimately causing me to backslide. This was important for me to write because I realized that there are many new and mature Christians who have struggled to know what to do after they decided to walk with Jesus. Similarly, I have experienced Christians who have been saved for years lack the Biblical foundation and understanding of the expectations of God to sustain them through life’s ups and downs. In part, I feel like the church has seen a fallen away of people because they lacked or did not have that solid foundation. As a Christian who has been on both ends of this dilemma, I felt compelled to write this short book to help Christians from both sides to build their trust in God on a secure and lasting foundation.

FQ: Do you want this book to resonate with everyone or a particular demographic?

TRADER: I want this book to resonate with everyone. Although it's geared towards Christians, anyone truly seeking Christ will benefit from this book and hopefully answer some questions they have as well.

FQ: What were the hardest sections of the text to write?

Author Nakia Trader

TRADER: I found it particularly difficult to write about what my relationship with my father looked like after I re-dedicated my life back to God. The reason is because I was still healing from the wounds and could not identify what that dynamic was. Even when I was past the editing phases of the book, I remember telling my friend that I wanted to offer some sort of “resolution” or “conclusion” to that dynamic. I think I only added a short sentence or two to give readers insight as to what my relationship with my dad looked like compared to before. The important part was to be very honest with myself and readers….even if that meant that there would be no resolution to give. That part of the book where I shared my story was to highlight the power of my Heavenly Father’s love toward all His children. It was, is , and always will be enough for me and it’s His love that has helped me to love and appreciate my earthly father regardless of the past

FQ: Is there another book you would recommend reading in tandem?

TRADER: The Crucified Life, The Gospel According to God, The Insanity of God, How to Win Friends and Influence, and Absolute Surrender. These books have left imprints in my walk with the Lord whether it was to help me become a more committed follower, encouraged me to step out in faith, become comfortable in the unknown, or try a new approach in dealing with people. Also, after reading, What Do I Do Now? Building a Solid Christian Foundation, I would recommend completing the companion workbook. A Workbook Companion to What Do I Do Now? Building a Solid Christian Foundation is a tool to disciple new believers and facilitate growth. You will find questions, Scriptures, faith challenges and more.

FQ: What did writing this text do to you as a thinker and how did it give you time to reflect on your life journey?

TRADER: Writing the book caused me to reflect a lot on my new life as a Christian and I realized when I became a Christian, I had these same questions but no one to guide me through them. So, I was able to open up and share my story in hopes to help other Christians out there going through the same, and let them know they’re not alone. It took me back to the basics or fundamentals of my walk and things I learned in order to share them with others.

FQ: I love your cover! Please tell us the process of coming up with the book cover.

TRADER: Thank you! We had the cover in mind, it was just getting someone to take the picture basically. We were just looking for a puzzled or lost pose. My friend and ministry partner is on the cover, and it was a process getting her to do it lol. Neither one of us like the limelight lol, but because her becoming a Christian inspired the book, it was only right for her to do it. We took a trip to Silver Lake, a local park here in Dover, Delaware and the rest is history.

FQ: Can you share with us something about the book that is not in the blurb?

TRADER: Simply, I want readers to know that there are many people who can identify in their struggle with knowing their next steps in the faith are. I was saved for maybe 14 years at the time I wrote this book, and I often find myself today going back to these Biblical practices and principles always making sure that as I am building on this foundation, that this foundation is and stays deeply rooted in God’s Word. I want people to fall in love with Jesus through my testimony and avoid the sins and pitfalls in my life. Not to waste time but enjoy the bountiful blessing of knowing the love of God for themselves.

FQ: The title is an attention-getter. How did you come up with it and what would you say is the significance of the title?

TRADER: My ministry partner and I had several conversations about our experiences after giving our hearts to the Lord and becoming Christians. One of many similar questions we had was, “we’re saved, now what?” So, we kind of were talking one day, and it just came to us that if she and I felt this way and had similar experiences, how many more Christians have felt or are feeling this way too? So, we sought to help as many people as possible through this book. I want readers of the book to grasp a couple of things. First, it is normal to not know your next steps as a new Christian. It’s a brand-new life – a brand new way of living than our old lives, so it’s okay not to know. Second, it is important to have a Biblical foundation to build on. I see or hear many Christians nowadays that believe wholeheartedly in things that the Bible specifically speaks against, or they don’t practice things which God teaches and commands us to do. So, while it is normal not to have those answers initially, I hope this book will give people an understanding of what is expected from God and the reasons why.

FQ: What advice would you offer to other writers wishing to undertake the creation of a first-person Christian memoir such as you have daringly composed?

TRADER: I would just tell them to be authentic and don’t be afraid to tell your story because it will help others. There are a lot of Christians out that may be going through the same and will benefit from your testimony. So If you feel this is something God is telling you to do, then go for it!

FQ: Do you plan to write more books? If so, do you plan to stick with working to build “a solid Christian foundation” or might you try something different?

TRADER: I am excited about working on a new book with my friend and ministry partner that will help Christians strengthen their faith and trust in God. The premise involves faith. We are all about helping individuals live authentically for God and sometimes we need a little encouragement in that area. I do not know when the next book will be coming out just yet. It is still in its infancy stage. However, I would hope that sometime in 2023, the book will be done or close to it.

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