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Author Bios: Micky O’Brady

Micky O'Brady is a pediatrician-turned-writer living in beautiful, dry Southern California. As a black belt in both Krav Maga and Judo, she writes YA thrillers with a romantic twist and kick-ass heroines, mainly because she wishes her life had been such an awesome mix of action and cute guys when she was a teen. Her novel Playing with #Fire was named Best Fiction Book of 2024 and swept seven categories at the Outstanding Creator Awards, while her latest release CRISPR--CRIS PARR continued her winning streak with recognition at the 2025 Feathered Quills Awards and joined Playing with #Fire as an American Writing Awards finalist, growing her collection of acclaimed works. Through Curiosity Quills and Snowy Wings Publishing, Micky has released multiple award-winning YA titles including THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER series, the TIME WARPED trilogy, BETWEEN WORLDS, ANGEL DOWN, and 33 DEGREES.


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Author Micky O'Brady
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