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Author Bios: Leslie Kain

Leslie Kain writes Psychological Fiction With Heart – stories of flawed people whose greatest obstacles to happiness lie within them.

Kain was always writing something when she was a kid—fantasies, poems, secret plans—culminating in running away across country at fifteen, never looking back. In her careers (psychology, Government Intelligence, nonprofits), her writing was limited to nonfiction: professional and research. Finally dabbling in fiction during spare moments above the clouds, her short stories found their way into literary journals and anthologies. She developed personal relationships with her characters, who relentlessly nagged her into longer stories. Her debut novel, Secrets In The Mirror, published in 2022 by Atmosphere Press, has been honored with many awards; its sequel, What Lies Buried, was released May 2024 by Atmosphere. A member of WFWA, Kain also recently contributed to the anthology A Million Ways: Stories of Motherhood. She leverages her education, training, and experience in psychology to write stories of inner conflict and emotional transformation. She earned degrees from Wellesley College and Boston University. She now lives in Mexico with her husband and old blind cat Sheba.

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

Smiling woman with short blonde hair.
Author Leslie Kain
Book cover for "What Lies Buried" by Leslie Kain.
Black and white book cover for Secrets in the Mirror.

Quotes for What Lies Buried

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Quotes for Secrets in the Mirror

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