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Author Bio: Carolyn Stearns

Carolyn Stearns is an author and performance storyteller. She lives in eastern Connecticut on the family's multi-generational farm but works off the farm. Carolyn's writing represents her country roots with a voice of authenticity of rural living. A lifetime interest in history and historical stories is represented by the dual timelines in Christmas Letters. Her newest teen book, Mystic Girl, is set in the beautiful town of Mystic, CT, a favorite outing destination of the author. Horses have also been a lifetime interest so of course there is a place for Morgan Horses in this book. Carolyn has enjoyed an eighteen-year, part-time career as a performance storyteller. The mythology of this book is rooted in her repertoire.

Contact Information:

X/Twitter: @carolynstearns
Facebook: CarolynStearnsStoryteller
Instagram: @carolyn.stearns
Pinterest: CarolynM.Stearns
Email: [email protected]

Author Carolyn Stearns

Quotes for Mystic Girl

Robin Moore

J. Stoughton

A. Spencer

Autumn W.


Quotes for Christmas Letters

Julia S.

Christine G.

Autumn W.

C. Guarnieri

Feathered Quill

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