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Author Bios: Ann Crawford

Ann Crawford has lived by one shining sea, then the other, then the prairie, and now the mountain – just to combine a couple of our great patriotic songs here. She grew up in New York, about an hour north of the city, and then went to college at Boston University. She then lived in Northern California for 23 years until love at first sight called her to move to Kansas. She and her family moved to Colorado about 10 years ago and her writing nest has a view of a grove of trees in a beautiful garden, with the Rocky Mountains in the near distance.

Some of Ann’s social media bios say that she’s a world-traveling, high-flying, deep-diving, life-loving author. Those are all literally true: She’s visited all 50 states and 70+ countries and territories and counting. She can fly a plane (and she even aced the FAA exam!) and loves to scuba dive. Another hobby is playing the piano, including taking lessons.

Jobs? Oh, Ann’s had more than a few. She’s worked in advertising and marketing, talent management, and the financial industry. She’s also an award-winning filmmaker. For her first movie she went to Viet Nam with a group of veterans and filmed them doing humanitarian work and returning to their areas of operation. This movie won a very prestigious award. For her second movie she traveled the world talking to people from all walks of life about how we can make world peace. But her great love is writing books.

Ann’s genre is a little complicated – her novels could fall under women’s literature, chick lit, romantic comedy, inspirational/metaphysical/visionary, and fantasy/science fiction—and for a couple of her books it’s all of these at the same time! The main thrust of her books is taking an odd, complicated situation (a starbeing ending up in Kansas, anyone?) and providing myriad insights with usually even more laughs.

Ann’s first book, Visioning, and her only non-fiction so far, was published in 2001 and it’s been updated twice since then. Over the years have come Mary’s Message (about Mary Magdalene), Angels on Overtime (an inspirational romcom), Spellweaver (about a healer during the witch hunts), Life in the Hollywood Lane (about an actor’s journey through grief after her BFF’s suicide, but also a quirky romcom), and Fresh off the Starship (an inspirational romcom). Coming soon is The Life of My Love (non-fiction about finding the love of your life) and Bazoomerangs, which is about 3 generations of women – an ageing hippie flower child, a middle-aged Trump-supporting bank executive, and a trans woman college student – that’ll also be chockablock with laughs and insights to this wild and wonderful life thing we have going on here.


Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
To find all of Ann's work, check her books out on Amazon



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