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A Star in the Endless Night

A Star in the Endless Night

By: Jenna Page
Publication Date: October 11, 2024
ISBN: 979-8330399703
Reviewed by: Diana Coyle
Review Date: October 14, 2024

In A Star in the Endless Night by Jenna Page, Estelle has no family left after her mother passed away. Being only nineteen, she has no permanent place to live and can’t afford to feed and take care of herself. So, she has no choice but to seek room and board anywhere she can find it. An unpleasant older man hires her to work in his food shop in exchange for the room and board she needs. There are no pleasantries between them, just a sheer master and worker relationship.

While on an errand for her master, a gentleman takes notice of her and follows her back to the food shop. He inquires if Estelle can be bought from the shopkeeper. At a good price, her master sells her without hesitation. Estelle is in disbelief that this exchange just happened, but can’t do anything about it. Her new master, Dirk, takes her to his castle which will be her new home. Nightingale Manor is stunningly beautiful, but there is a huge void of warmth and life within the walls of the castle. As Dirk and Estelle get to exchange information about each other, she learns that Dirk is the remaining heir to the castle. He further explains that he is a wizard of sorts and he is intrigued by her because of her unique starlight aura she has. He tells her that she has magical powers and he would like to train her how to use them. Could this be the change in her life that she needs? Why would Dirk even want to train her to harness her magical abilities?

This was a truly enjoyable sci-fi/fantasy book. When Estelle is introduced into the story, readers will easily find themselves feeling compassion and warmth for her. You can’t help but want to take this naive nineteen-year-old under your wing to protect her from all the injustices of the world. When she is bought by Dirk, you can’t help but worry about her well-being because he’s a complete stranger that out of nowhere asks to buy her from her current master. What was his motive and what kind of benefits would be reap from this new arrangement?

When Estelle was told by Dirk, who was a wizard of sorts, that she possessed magical powers and an extremely unique aura existed around her, readers aren’t sure if they should believe Dirk or not. It seems like he has an agenda and will say anything to lure her in, no matter how extreme his conversations with Estelle might be. But when readers begin to discover there is some validity to her having magical, undeveloped powers, you can’t help but want to assist Estelle in harnessing her abilities in hopes of them protecting her from people out to hurt her in various ways.

As Dirk began to get acquainted with Estelle and he finally expressed the truth behind his interest in her, readers will find themselves having to make a decision on how truthful Dirk is being with Estelle. With some skepticism still hanging in the air, readers will likely be won over by Dirk’s genuineness toward Estelle.

Quill says: Readers of A Star in the Endless Night will experience a myriad of emotions as they turn the pages. The characters were well developed and the storyline was fully engaging. Well done, Ms. Page!

For more information on A Star in the Endless Night, please visit the author's website at:

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