Feathered Quill's We Love Animals!
Oink and Gobble and the Men in Black by Norman Whaler and Find Wonder in the Ordinary: A Kid's Book for Adults by Bernie Freytag both win Feathered Quill's "We Love Animals!" Award - Two winners will be selected for this award - the top placing books in Best Animal - Children's and YA and Best Animal - Adult (both fiction and nonfiction). Each winner will receive a Spotlight (front page) review and author interview with links to the book's (or author's) website. Review and interview will also be posted to our blog, twitter account, Facebook page, Pinterest, Book-Views.com and Book-Critique.com. In addition, the review will be posted to Barnes&Noble.com and Google Books (if the book is listed on those sites). - $125 value
The Write Companion Award for Best Overall TOP PICK
Crisanta Knight: The Liar, The Witch, & The Wormhole (the Crisanta Knight Series Book 4) by Geanna Culbertson wins The Write Companion Award for Best Overall TOP PICK - Adult, Children's and Young Adult categories: Originality is key. Falling into a stereotypical plot or character is difficult for an author. That is why this award is given to the author that makes that lasting impression. Based on pure originality, this award seeks the writers who - like Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas or Preston and Childs' inventive detective Aloysius Pendergast - have created a character who makes that lasting impression on readers. Do I smell sequel? The winner will receive marketing on all Amy Lignor's websites: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, TWC, Pinterest, as well as a free consultation regarding their next book project. This comes with a free edit/polish/notes/suggestions of their next book. If there is not a project as of yet, the consult will be given to answer any author's questions when it comes to publishing, agencies, independent books, self-publishing - a conversation regarding the here and now of the industry that may help them in the future. - $250 value
ReaderViews Award for the Readers' Favorite
The Trumpet Lesson by Dianne Romain wins the ReaderViews Award for the Readers' Favorite - We will choose from the winners of all categories for this award, based on review scores, cover design, and relevance to readers today. The winner will receive our Publicity Package E, which includes a book review, live interview and a one-week feature on our homepage, a dedicated author page on our Inside Scoop Live podcast page and a spotlight feature in our newsletter. - $339 value
Maryglenn McCombs Book Publicity Award for Best Mystery
All the Broken People by Amy Rivers wins the Maryglenn McCombs Book Publicity Award for Best Mystery - One professionally written press release with distribution. - $1000 value
BestsellersWorld Award for Best Romance
New York in Love by J.B. Pettry wins the BestsellersWorld Award for Best Romance - This award includes an author page on the site and the book and synopsis added to the Featured Books page for 10 days. - $125 value