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What You Don’t Know Can Keep You Out of College: A Top Consultant Explains the 13 Fatal Application Mistakes and Why Character Is the Key to College Admissions

What You Don't Know Can Keep You Out of College: A Top Consultant Explains the 13 Fatal Application Mistakes and Why Character Is the Key to College Admissions

By: Don Dunbar 
Publisher: Gotham 
Publication Date: July 2007 
ISBN: 978-1592403028 
Reviewed By: Emily LaBelle 
Review Date: April 2009

What You Don't Know Can Keep You Out of College provides an honest look at the college admissions process. Author Don Dunbar presents 13 mistakes that could keep a student out of their dream college. Dunbar was fortunate enough to sit in on meetings where the most prestigious colleges in the nation decided whether to admit applicants. He was also a College Counselor for Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, a top-notch prep school. In other words; he knows what he's talking about. He explains, in the simplest terms possible, what it takes to get accepted into institutions of higher learning.

Dunbar specifically focuses on how a student's character is the key to being admitted. He explains the idea of character in a way teenagers can easily understand. He gives advice on how to make your best qualities shine in your application, and how to make yourself stand out as a person to admissions officers. He stresses that institutions are looking for a student who will contribute something positive to their school and community.

What You Don't Know Can Keep You Out of College also contains valuable advice about writing essays, interviews, extracurricular activities, getting wait listed and almost every other aspect of the college admissions process. This advice does not focus so much on what to do, but what not to do. Throughout the book, the author continues to stress the overriding theme of being true to yourself, and being honest on your college applications. Dunbar provides clear and direct advice about nearly every obstacle one may face while applying to college.

Quill Says: Dunbar puts forth a book teens will read with ease and understanding. The lessons taught in this book will surely help many students navigate through the college admissions process.

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