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Select the Review That's Best for Your Book!

(Scroll to bottom of page to read FAQs)

Spotlight Review

Only five books at a time will be given this spotlight placement every week, so your book is sure to garner attention. After one week (longer if another Spotlight review is not purchased by another author, publisher, or publicist) the review will be moved to its own page and will remain on our site indefinitely, searchable by title and author. 


  • Highly visible review on the front page with cover artwork
  • FREE author interview
  • Interview posted to all our social media sites
  • FREE Meet the Author Bio Page
  • Link to book's page
  • Link to your website
  • Review posted to Barnes & Noble
  • Review posted to our blog
  • Review posted to our Facebook Page
  • Review posted to LinkedIn
  • Book cover and review link added to our Twitter/X Feed
  • Book cover and link posted to our Instagram Page
  • Book cover and link posted to our Pinterest page
  • PDF copy of review

Featured Review

This service includes a review placed on the high traffic main page of your book’s genre. It will be prominently displayed above the links to reviews of other books and be featured for at least one week. Featured reviews will be limited to one book at a time, so your review will not be lost among a large group. After a week (longer if another Featured review is not purchased by another author, publisher, or publicist), the review will be moved to its own page and will remain on our site indefinitely, searchable by title and author.


  • Link to book's page
  • Link to your website
  • Review posted to Barnes & Noble
  • Review posted to our Facebook page and our blog
  • Review posted to our LinkedIn page
  • Book cover posted to our Twitter/X, Pinterest, and Instagram pages
  • PDF copy of review

Standard Review

A review will be placed on a page created for your book, with a link from the genre-specific page, so readers can easily find the review.  It will also be searchable by title and author.


  • Link to book's Amazon Page
  • Link to your website
  • Review posted to Barnes & Noble
  • Review posted to our Facebook page and our blog
  • PDF copy of review

Children’s Book Review

This special rate is only for children’s 32-page, full-color books of 1,000 words or less. It includes a review that will be placed on a page created for your book. Note: If you want a front-page Spotlight review or a Featured review, you need to submit for those review packages, not this one.


  • Link to book's page
  • Link to your website
  • Review posted to Barnes & Noble
  • Review posted to our Facebook page and our blog
  • PDF copy of review

Author Interview

This is an excellent option for those on a tight marketing budget. The Author Interview is the perfect way to get information on your book out onto our various social media sites as well as our main website. This promotional package does not require a review of the book prior to posting the interview. For these interviews, we provide the author/publisher/publicist a link that has a series of standard questions. Once you have purchased your interview, we will send you the url of the page with the list of questions. You may pick up to ten questions, answer at your convenience, and return your answers to us. We will include an Amazon link to your book’s/ebook’s page.


    As we say here in Hawaii Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much) for a beautifully written and heartfelt review of my memoir, Abandoned in Search of Rainbows. Amy Lignor you are a gorgeous writer. I appreciated the level of detail and depth in which you not only read the book but took away from it. To be reviewed by such a wonderful organization as Feathered Quill and such a distinguished reviewer as Amy means the world to me. Aloha.A. K. Driggs


    Pre-Review Questions

    Q: Why should I use Feathered Quill to review my book?

    This is, perhaps, the most important question of all! You spent a lot of time, possibly even years, working on your book. Do you really want to trust it to a site that flips quickly through the text and then writes a generic review? Feathered Quill Book Reviews is not the largest review site on the net, we don't boast of reviewing 100s of books each month and we believe that is a good thing. You see, when a site receives and reviews huge quantities of books, it is simply impossible to read each one cover-to-cover and then give a careful, detailed review. Many of our reviewers are authors themselves and we know what it is like to receive a review where it is obvious that the reviewer didn't read the entire book, or in some cases, read the book at all. We treat each book, and each author, with the individual attention they deserve. Our reviews are respected within the industry and are used by self-publishers as well as NYTimes Best-Selling authors to promote their books. Please take a moment to read our testimonials to see what other authors are saying.

    Q: Will you accept galleys/ARCs, and manuscripts for review?

    Yes, all are acceptable. Please be sure to let us know the publication date. Note: If you submit a manuscript for review, please be sure it has already been through the editing process. If the text is full of typos or other errors, we will have to note that in our review.

    Q: Do you accept digital files of books?

    Yes, but...we have a limited number of reviewers who will review from digital files. Therefore, if your book is only available in ebook/pdf format, please check with us first before submitting the book for review to be sure we have a reviewer available for your book/genre. Email us at [email protected] and give us the title, author, and brief synopsis of your book and we will reply as soon as we can confirm the availability of a reviewer.

    Q: My book was published last year; will you still review it?

    We feel that there are many gems in the book world that never receive the attention they deserve. As long as your book is still available for purchase, we will review it.

    Q: Will you review books from other countries?

    Yes, but they must be in English.

    Q: Who are your reviewers?

    We have a diverse group of dedicated book enthusiasts, whose backgrounds range from a multiple award-winning children's book author, a reviewer with degrees in Music Education and Library Science, to a former substance abuse counselor with a lifetime passion for reading who specializes in reviewing books in her chosen field of study. See our Reviewers page for more info.

    Q: I don't see my genre listed. Will you still review it?

    If your genre is not listed, please contact us at [email protected] before submitting the book. We will reply within two business days if we are able to accept the book for review.

    Q: What types of services do you offer?

    There are several options to get publicity for your book: Spotlight, Featured, and Standard reviews, as well as a special rate for 32-page children's books. We also offer Meet the Author biography pages, display advertising and book cover ads.

    Q: How do I reach my reading audience through Feathered Quill?

    Unlike many review sites that forget to market to the reading public and simply target their site to authors looking for reviews, we are constantly searching for ways to promote our site to the buying public. We advertise in newsletters as well as via the internet on social media sites where book fans lurk, and use methods such as adwords to get readers to our site.

    Q: Do you post your reviews to any other sites?

    Yes, reviews are posted to our blog,, our FaceBook page, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X, as well as (if the book is listed on B&N). In addition, several of our reviewers run their own review blogs, etc., so your review may show up on an additional Instagram page or website.

    Q: My book is published by a small press. Will you review it?

    Yes, we encourage submissions from small, independent presses.

    Q: My book is self-published. Will you review it?

    Yes, we are happy to review self-published books. Many review sites refuse to take submissions from self-publishers, and we know how hard it can be to get a review for these books. We're here to help your book get the recognition it deserves.

    Q: My book is POD. Will you review it?

    Yes, we're happy to take submissions from POD publishers.

    Q: What do you do with the book once it is reviewed?

    Books submitted for review become the property of Feathered Quill Book Reviews. Books that are submitted as part of a review package are either kept by our reviewers or donated to local libraries and schools. Books that come in for free reviews may be donated or sold via Amazon after the review is posted - it's up to the individual reviewer. Note that books that arrive unsolicited will either be recycled or sold via Amazon - in other words, please do not send unsolicited books!

    Q: How long does it take for a review to be posted?

    Typically, it takes about four weeks from receipt of your book to post the review.

    Q: Will using Feathered Quill guarantee a good review?

    In a word, no. We do not guarantee a positive review but we do guarantee a fair, honest assessment of your work. While we have no desire to trash a book, we will point out problems if they exist, such as confusing plot changes, lack of editing, etc. All reviews are posted to our site so please don't ask us to pull a review you don't like. If you don't want an honest opinion of your book, then don't submit your book to Feathered Quill.

    Q: May I post the review on my website?

    We grant you, the author, publisher or publicist, the right to post the review anywhere you desire. We only ask that Feathered Quill Book Reviews is credited as the reviewer.

    Q: What happens when I submit a book for review?

    First, we will e-mail you an acknowledgment as soon as your book arrives. Then your book is matched with the reviewer who we feel is the best match for your book. Next, we will post a thorough review of your book on our site and notify you once the review is posted. Unlike many sites, we never skim a book. We read it cover-to-cover and write a comprehensive, thought-provoking evaluation. All reviews will be posted to our site. We will place a widget link on the book's review page to its corresponding page on (if the book is available on Amazon) so that purchasing the book will be quick and simple. Finally, you will receive a pdf version/tear sheet of the review for use in your marketing packet and post a link to your website, if you have one and provide us with the url.

    Q: Do you post your reviews to Amazon?

    Amazon does not allow reviews by professional sites such as Feathered Quill to be posted to the customer review section of a book's page. However, as the author, you can post portions of your review via your Author Central account to the editorial review section of the book's page.

    Q: What about my email address - will you be sending me emails?

    The emails of authors, publishers, etc. who have books reviewed by Feathered Quill are added to our mailing list that is used just four times a year to send out announcements for our annual award program. This is the only time we email clients and you can easily unsubscribe from these mailings if you choose.

    Q: Not convinced that Feathered Quill is right for you?

    Check out our testimonial page to see what other authors and publishers have to say about Feathered Quill Book Reviews.

    Still not sure?

    Many thanks for your thoughtful and graceful review of my book, Sam Maloof: 36 Views of a Master Woodworker. It's always gratifying to have a sensitive and knowledgeable reviewer devote the time required to make sense of a project. I very much appreciate your doing so.Fred Setterberg
    Feathered Quill

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