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Elijah’s Coin

Elijah's Coin

By: Steve O'Brien 
Publisher: A & N Publishing 
Publication Date: 2009 
ISBN: 9780982073544 
Reviewer: Emily LaBelle 
Review Date: October 23, 2009 

The novel, Elijah’s Coin, depicts the story of a young man named Tom who is suffering through the tragic loss of his mother. He is angry, isolated and seems to be heading down the wrong track in life. This all changes when Tom meets a strange night watchman named Elijah King. This mysterious man teaches him about being a good person, and what it really means to be successful in life. He gives Tom a coin inscribed with “EK” on one side and “G2G” on the other. At first he assumes “EK” stands for Elijah king but then realizes it is really an anagram for “Evoke Kindness” and “G2G” stands for “Give to get,” two central concepts of Elijah’s message. As Tom begins to find himself, he becomes desperate searching for Elijah which eventually leads to some intense self discovery. Once Tom realizes he has already found Elijah, metaphorically, he begins to live out the message Elijah taught him and becomes a mentor for other people who were in the same position he was before he met Elijah. However, when Tom finally finds himself helping a man who killed his own mother, the need for vengeance arises. This is the final test that Elijah gives him. Will Tom give in to the hate that he has always felt for this man, or will he deal with the situation in a way Elijah would be proud of?

This book is inspirational and profound. There are many valuable life lessons scattered throughout the book and the character of Elijah is a vehicle to tell them. The story itself is entertaining, but the message causes the reader to think about how they are living their own life and to reevaluate the choices they are making. The message is basically this; to become successful you must give and be kind to others. Tom shares this message throughout the second part of the book. The third part of the book is meant for the reader – the author hopes to encourage the reader to emulate Elijah and inspire others to do so as well.

At times the author seems to try too hard to send his message, and at times can be repetitive. The writing style however is captivating and quick. The author, Steve O’Brien, is an accomplished lawyer and his education definitely comes out through his writing. His knowledge of business and law is evident through the situations and characters throughout the book. It is apparent that O’Brien feels very strongly that everyone can make a difference if they just give to those in need. He challenges his readers to spread the message he gives through Elijah’s Coin and provides readers with two actual coins of their own. One to keep with them at all times to remind themselves of the message, and one to give to someone in need of a new beginning.

Quill says: Read Elijah’s Coin if you are looking for a fast paced and inspirational story about morality and becoming a good person.

For more information on Elijah's Coin, please visit the publisher's website at: A & N

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